From Source: Men's Fitness
Listropolis' Take:
This is something any beer drinker should know. The list is short, sweet, and to the point.
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Posted on 24 September 2009 by admin
From Source: Men's Fitness
This is something any beer drinker should know. The list is short, sweet, and to the point.
Posted on 23 September 2008 by admin
From Yahoo Shine:
It's time for a new slim-down mantra: Eat more to weigh less. No joke! The right foods help you drop pounds by revving your calorie burn and curbing cravings. We consulted top experts for the best picks and asked leading chefs for easy, tasty ways to prepare them. Add these eats to your plate today and you'll be slimmer and healthier in no time!
Posted on 27 April 2008 by admin
From the Site:
Few foods are as delicious as they are guilt-free. Below are six hidden treasures we discovered on the shelves of our local supermarket. These low-cal treats have become grocery-list must-haves, whether we're dieting or not.
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Posted on 25 April 2008 by admin
From Cracked:
EDITORS' DISCLAIMER: Cracked does not endorse eating the below foodstuffs for the express purpose of getting high, as the side effects are usually horrible enough to make you forget you were high in the first place. Thus the information in this article should only be used for scintillating chitchat at cocktail parties and around the office.
See the List
Posted on 23 March 2008 by admin
A Listropolis Original
If you're trying to shed a few pounds, but don't have the time to prepare your own meals, this list will provide you with the healthiest meal choice for some of the most popular national restaurant chains. Don't be fooled by the healthy-sounding meals, because sometimes, those could be your worst choice.
Best Choice: Grilled Chicken Sub
Stats: 456 calories, 10 g fat (2 g sat), 1,260 mg sodium
Best Choice: Roasted Sirloin, Garlic Dill New Potatoes, and Spinach
Stats: 560 calories, 27 g fat (13 g sat), 760 mg sodium
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