So, I can almost touch my toes. I can also almost do a man-split. My incredible flexibility has nothing on the women below, and I suggest you don't try these poses at home. But if you do, send us pictures.
Related Reading:

Posted on 18 April 2010 by admin
So, I can almost touch my toes. I can also almost do a man-split. My incredible flexibility has nothing on the women below, and I suggest you don't try these poses at home. But if you do, send us pictures.
Posted on 22 March 2010 by admin
From Source: Mashable
Today is Twitter’s fourth birthday, and to celebrate the occasion we asked our Twitter followers: “Let us know how Twitter changed your life – add hashtag #thankstwitter4 so we can find your tweet.”
We got thousands of responses — in fact, #thankstwitter4 has become a trending topic. As promised, we did our best to sift through the tweets and find 140 that represent the Twitterzeitgeist as we enter the social network’s fourth year. Below are our selections, split up into categories or sentiments that we noticed were particularly common.
Meh. While not Mashable's strongest list, it is a good look at why people love the little blue bird that could.
Posted on 19 March 2010 by admin
From Source:
Do you doubt the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day in the modern world of mouth wash, mints, breath sprays, and breath strips? Believe it or not there are more reasons than minty fresh breath to keep up with your tooth brushing skills. Brushing twice a day is very important for dental health and good oral hygiene.
This one is really trending on the web right now. I still haven't figured out why, but it's an interesting post, and worth a read. (it's a quick read)
Posted on 15 March 2010 by admin
From Source:
A few days back I heard a story that Kansas’s capital Topeka, has unofficially changed his city’s name to Google. Its correct Mr William W. Bunten, Mayor of the City of Topeka, Kansas urge the citizens of Topeka, to recognize and support the continuing efforts to bring Google’s “Fiber for Communities” experiment to the city, and do hereby proclaim that for the month of March 2010, the city of Topeka will be Known as Google, Kansas – The Capital City Of Fiber Optics.
In the Proclamation by the Mayor he refers to the 100 times faster Internet service and the name change is only for this purpose.
In my perspective its a brave decision and i like it. But, there are few drawbacks for naming the city to Google (Topeka).
Just a great idea for a post, and one we wish we had come up with first. Heavy on the LOLZ
Posted on 21 February 2010 by admin
From Source: MyTechOpinion
Facebook celebrated it’s 6th birthday in style…by launching a redesign of the home page. I was excited to be included in the initial 80 million accounts that were updated with the design on February 4th. This new layout is being rolled out to the remaining Facebook users now (Reggie’s still waiting).
I have to say I’ve been a bit annoyed with some of the recent minor changes made by Facebook, but when it comes to this new overhaul…I’m a fan! Most notably, are the cleaner home page appearance and the removal of the bottom “start” bar. The search bar is now prominently displayed in the top center of the home page, just above the News Feed. And the top blue navigation bar has been simplified to include just a few key quick launch links on the left and right sides.
Now just in case you are a tad turned around by this new layout, I put together a quick list of 10 tips for getting reacquainted with the network you know and love!
This is rock-solid information if you're still having trouble navigating Facebook's new layout. Bookmark it fast, and make sure you read it soon - otherwise, Facebook is sure to switch layouts on you again. Good job Nicole!
Posted on 12 February 2010 by admin
From Source: TvTango
Do you want to set the mood for Valentine's Day by watching the new romantic comedy, Elevator Girl, on Saturday night? Or maybe you'd rather spend Sunday learning about the opposite sex on a new TLC special called Sextistics or watching dinosaur booty calls on Discovery's new special, Tyrannosaurus Sex. On Monday, do you just want to sit on the couch, relax and watch a marathon of NCIS, Pawn Stars, or The Secret Life of the American Teenager? If so, then this list is for you.
You can watch 101 TV Series & Movie Marathons and Specials during the long weekend for Valentine's Day and President's Day.
We LOVE TVTango, and this list is one of the many reasons why. Take a minute to look through this list, and you're bound to find something you'd like to see. Us? We're watching the Golden Girls marathon! (not really)
Posted on 09 February 2010 by admin
From Source: Mashable
In the era of social media, our networks are much larger than they have ever been, and we have more ways to communicate with those in them. Even if you are not very active on Facebook or Twitter, my guess is that your sphere of communication has expanded significantly in recent years. Who you communicate with and how you communicate has changed radically. This new connected era brings both opportunities and challenges.
In the past we had a set of contacts, all of whom generally knew how to reach us — via phone, e-mail, or regular mail. Today, thanks in large part to social media, we have many different levels of communication, each with a specific purpose and etiquette. When we do not understand the role of these levels, they can become huge time wasters. When we do understand them however, they can help us more effectively engage and navigate these new waters
It's Mashable, so you know you're getting a solid list. This list has less to do with the social media side of things we've come to know, and more to do with real-life communication tips. Study it - it could help.
Posted on 09 February 2010 by admin
From Source: freelancefolder
How do you make sure that you get all of your work done on time?
As freelancers, we wear many different hats. In addition to performing our freelancing specialty for the client, we’re also the sales staff, the manager, the support team, and the accountant all rolled into one person.
For many freelancers the project planning tasks that go along with freelancing may seem kind of overwhelming (especially if they’ve never done any project planning). Other freelancers may find that they need to provide the same kind of project plans to their clients that would have been required of them in the corporate world.
Either way, project planning can be a lot of extra work for a freelancer. The project planning task is difficult to handle without good tools to work with.
In this post, I list some project management tools that are either freeware or open source.
I was a little surprised none of the 37signals apps made it into the list, but if you're looking for a project management solution on the cheap, this is a great list.
Posted on 09 February 2010 by admin
From Source:
Here are some illusions that will make your head spin. All of these are JPG images, they are not flash or any video. On most of these if you stare at different spots, you will notice that the movement stops. If you put your mouse on one spot that seems to move, you will be able to see that it is not moving at all.
Nothing new here, but that doesn't take away from the cool factor.
Posted on 18 January 2010 by admin
From Source: Smashing Apps
Basically high speed photography is a technique of capturing images with a remarkably quick shutter speed and mostly used for the scenes which cannot be seen with naked eyes. For high speed photography, you can use more or less any SLR camera, but an expensive camera can reach a much faster shutter speed and high speed photography is the game of shutter speed. Today, we will show you 40 Stunning Examples of High Speed Photography. In this post, you’ll find some very impressive photographs that will show you how high speed photography can freeze time setting you aside to view scenes that we would normally struggle to capture. We are sure these photographs worth a look and you’ll all like them. Feel free to share your comments.
We're photographers, so we obviously LOVE this post. High Speed Photography is incredibly difficult to shoot, but the examples shown on the site are some of the best we've ever seen. Follow the link to see all the photos - you'll be glad you did.