Posted on 26 July 2010 by admin

From Source: Mashable
“140-character status updates to a network of followers.” That makes Twitter sound simple. But in fact, the social information platform has grown to be much more complex than its 140 character-limit suggests. The site not only connects people, but has also become an intricate information resource for everything from news to shopping deals.
Yet in many ways, the site’s actual functionality hasn’t exactly kept up with user interactions. Twitter’s interface has remained simple, which is why a lot of tweets take place through third-party sites and applications that make the experience more useful.
We’ve compiled a list of the top 20 third-party websites for making your Twitter experience more useful and easier to manage. Although this does not include the many desktop or mobile applications that are available for Twitter, we hope that it will make your browsing experience more enjoyable as you dive into the Twittersphere. Also, as a one-stop shop for Twitter apps, check out OneForty. We’d love to hear what’s missing from this list, including sites that you find useful in the comments.
Listropolis' Take:
It's another Mashable list, so of course it's great. If you're not already using web apps for Twitter, there's a good chance this post will change your mind.
See the List
Related Reading:
Sam Francis: Catalogue Raisonné of Canvas and Panel Paintings, 1946-1994: Edited by Debra Burchett-Lere with featured essay by William C. Agee
All a Twitter: A Personal and Professional Guide to Social Networking with Twitter
Twitter Power 2.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
Posted on 13 July 2010 by admin

From Source:
I watch a lot of scary movies. Vampires, werewolves, zombies… they’ve got nothing on one other group when it comes to scaring me — serial killers. Even when they’re just fictional characters, I find serial killers to be terrifying not because I expect to come across one any more than a movie monster, but because they represent something real.
These awful excuses for human beings do exist, and they pose a real threat to society. They come in all shapes and sizes, colors, and races. Today we’ll take a quick look at 25 serial killers from around the world. There will be some of the more well-known U.S. and other serial killers, but we’ll also have some from places like Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, China, and more. They aren’t all the most famous serial killers. You’ve probably never heard of some of them. And some of your “favorites” won’t be included here. This list is a little different.
Rather than focusing solely on well-known serial killers (although some will be included), we’re looking at a more diverse group — both men and women, different races and nationalities, etc. Even more importantly, I wanted to take a look at some of the world’s recent and distant serial killers with some of the most disturbing motives or stories.
Keep in mind…. I’m not claiming these are THE most disturbing serial killers. There have been too many for me to ever know about them all, and that would be subjective. These are just some examples of particularly disturbing individuals that caught my attention or made me cringe. If other serial killers top your own personal list, feel free to leave a comment below to tell us about them.
Listropolis' Take:
All the big names are here. I've always been interested in what makes a serial killer tick, and this list kept me busy exploring for almost 30 minutes. Good stuff.
See the List
Related Reading:
Sam Francis: Catalogue Raisonné of Canvas and Panel Paintings, 1946-1994: Edited by Debra Burchett-Lere with featured essay by William C. Agee
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: or, Gustavus Vassa, the African (Modern Library Classics)
Unusual Ways to Market Your Greeting Cards and 22 Places to Get Your Designs Featured
Posted on 08 July 2010 by admin

Via: Online MBA
Related Reading:
The Comic Toolbox: How to Be Funny Even If You're Not
Recipe for a Book Club: A Monthly Guide for Hosting Your Own Reading Group: Menus & Recipes, Featured Authors, Suggested Readings, and Topical Questions
Little Known Black History Facts: As Featured on the Tom Joyner Morning Show
Posted on 06 July 2010 by admin

From Source: Kokugamer
Every so often, events that transpire in video games demand the attention of gamers, the media, and politicians everywhere. Sure some of these events stir up a bit of controversy, but others tell tales that we just marvel in, and become completely amazed that something like this could actually happen. Some of these events create frustration, while others create a feeling of unity and belonging. This is a list of 5 events that I reflect back upon and really consider that gamers have really understood the importance of creating experiences for themselves. Whether their good or bad, or even odd and just nearly unthinkable experiences.
Listropolis' Take:
I'm not a gamer, so I have no idea if this list is any good, but it's trending, and we want to keep our gaming fans happy. 
See the List
Related Reading:
Easy Crosswords for Kindle, Vol 1
Dumdum (Featured story in the anthology "New Stories from the South: the year's best of 2005")
Games for everybody