Tags: Martial arts, self defense, Sports
Posted on 29 June 2008 by admin

From LifeHackery:
All of us want to learn kung fu. Who doesn’t want to kick like Chuck Norris and use nunchakus like Bruce Lee? Unfortunately, many of us are too busy to attend martial arts training sessions. You can buy a “how to” book of martial arts, but they usually have complicated instructions that you will likely forget during an actual attack. What you need are simple techniques that you can easily use during a fight.
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Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Tags: Health, Sleep Disorders
Posted on 29 June 2008 by admin

From divinecaroline:
It’s no secret that skipping valuable sleep time can have negative effects on our physical and emotional health. But could a rise in the lack of sleep be an unacknowledged contributor to the steady rise in divorces over the years? A recent Washington Post article says yes, linking a healthy marriage to better sleep quality. If our nights are consistently restless due to stress, what else is at risk (besides our relationship)? I decided to do a little research to learn more about the surprisingly harsh consequences of fitful sleeping
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Related Reading:
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
Food and Health
Health: The Basics (8th Edition)
Posted on 29 June 2008 by admin

From Toxel:
Why should ads be boring? Check out this collection of unforgettable advertisements from around the world.
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Related Reading:
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Joomla! 1.6: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (3rd Edition)
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Tags: led zeppelin, stolen
Led Zeppelin: Innovators or Plagiarists? Audio of 8 Songs Proving They Might Be the Best Cover Band of All Time
Posted on 27 June 2008 by admin

Before I get started, I'd like to say that I'm a huge fan of Led Zeppelin. That being said, someone (anonymous) emailed me about a month ago suggesting the idea for this post. They said they heard Howard Stern discussing the Album Led Zeppelin I, and that all of the songs, with the exception of Good Times Bad Times, were stolen from other artists, and writing credit was not given. Actually, writing credit WAS given, but only after Led Zeppelin's Greatest Hits album was released. The original artists were never paid royalties for their works, but from what I understand, royalties are now being paid, but dated from the Greatest Hits album.
After many hours of searching for these songs, I now have all of the original artists' versions of the songs from the album Led Zeppelin I., along with Led Zeppelin's version. You decide - Innovators or Plagiarists?
#1 Good Times Bad Times
This appears to be their only original track on this album.
#2 Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
Original Artist: Joan Baez
Original Song Title: Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
Led Zeppelin's Version
#3 You Shook Me
Original Artist: Willie Dixon
Original Song Title: You Shook Me
Led Zeppelin's Version
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The Standard Operas: Their Plots, Their Music, And Their Composers
Music As A Language Lectures to Music Students
8 Free, Cross-Platform Apps for Musicians
Posted on 27 June 2008 by admin
From AudioJungle:
Like most of us when we’re in the studio, it’s hard to get me to work with anything other than the industry standards; Pro Tools, Reason, Logic (which sort of falls into that category), and so on. But given the rising prices of just about everything under the sun, not to mention the chronic emptiness of the musician’s wallet, it’s worth taking a look at the alternatives out there that can be had for free.
The price is not the only great thing about free, cross-platform apps. They don’t require you to stick a damn dongle in your computer and use up a precious USB slot. And knowing that you can get on almost any computer in the world, download an app and work on your project is always reassuring.
I’m not saying that these apps can replace Pro Tools or Reason as the apps of choice, but they are totally free. It’s hard to complain about that! The main thing is that they will let you get the job done. If I could just find a free DAW that opens Pro Tools sessions…

Traverso is a lightweight but powerful DAW that works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Professionals who’ve tried this software comment that despite some strange interface decisions (such as having to hold shift and click to move the playhead), it’s a viable option for those looking for a free alternative.
Traverso uses, on average, one quarter of the processing power and memory that other DAWs use. This is great if you have an older machine and want to get your demos done at home and only have to fork out for a studio when you’re ready for the real production.
Take a look at Traverso.
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Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them (revised April 2011)
Alice in Wonderland
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Tags: Bookmark, Extension, Firefox, Firefox 3, Mozilla Firefox
Posted on 26 June 2008 by admin

From Mashable:
We’ve put together a list of 30+ must-have Firefox 3 extensions that we know you’ll enjoy, whether you’ve upgraded to Firefox 3 and are looking for something new to add to your browser, or have yet to make the upgrade and are looking for a reason.
We cover everything from useful tools to social bookmarking and more. Let us know which extensions are your favorites.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Foxfire Book: Hog Dressing, Log Cabin Building, Mountain Crafts and Foods, Planting by the Signs, Snake Lore, Hunting Tales, Faith Healing, Moonshining
Firefox Hacks: Tips & Tools for Next-Generation Web Browsing
Foxfire 2: Ghost Stories, Spring Wild Plant Foods, Spinning and Weaving, Midwifing, Burial Customs, Corn Shuckin's, Wagon Making and More Affairs of Plain Living
Posted on 26 June 2008 by admin

From Life Hackery:
On a recent dumpster diving trip, we came across several discarded pairs of jeans. They seemed perfectly good and sported no rips, stains or funky smells. Since these 43 X 30s were out of our size range, they went right to the thrift store’s drop box.
Spotting these seemingly still-good jeans being discarded brought up a question: what can you do with old jeans that you just can’t wear any longer? Actually, a lot of things. Denim is a sturdy and long-lasting material. Most of the suggestions below require some level of craftiness, but with a little time and effort you can give those old jeans new life. Bonus: recycling jeans to make stuff is a fantastic way to save money and increase your green factor. Next time we see some old jeans going to waste, we’re snagging ‘em.
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Related Reading:
Lifehacker: 88 Tech Tricks to Turbocharge Your Day
AZU-1: Lifehack
Geographies of Rhythm
Tags: Web 2.0, Web Design and Development, Website
Posted on 25 June 2008 by admin
Web 2.0 is not a look. It's not a design. Web 2.0 is a change in the ways software developers and end-users use the internet. The design cliches that have evolved and been incorporated so heavily do not define Web 2.0, but for many, they have translated as successful business, so who cares what it really means, right?
These 15 sites are not bowing down to trends. You won't find the cliche "Special Offer" badges, gloss, sheen. bevelled edges, gradients, soft-focus edges, and you definitely won't find reflected logos.
Who knows...after seeing these sites, you might be inspired to destroy Web 2.0 too. It's great to be inspired, as long as you add your own personal touch, and you should adapt continuously.

Mayflower Breweing
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365 Prescriptions for the Soul: Daily Messages of Inspiration, Hope, and Love
Non-Designer's Design Book, The (3rd Edition)
Igniting Inspiration: A Persuasion Manual for Visionaries
Tags: analysis
Posted on 24 June 2008 by admin

From ReadWriteWeb:
With all due respect to Kevin Smith, the web is no longer only for complaining about movies. In fact, there are a large number of very helpful sites that teach you how to do things. These are do-it-yourself sites, but we're not talking about building a deck or baking a cake -- the web is full of more general interest sites that give quality instruction on all sorts of fun and useful projects. Including, sometimes, how to build a deck or bake a cake.
In this horribly-titled, but hopefully useful round-up we will specifically focus on such general purpose sites that include some sort of rich media instruction (generally video). We also might throw in a tech-focused site or two, since this is after all, a tech-focused blog.
If you know of any instructional sites that are missing from this list, please mention them in the comments below.
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QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
QuickBooks 2010 For Dummies
Tags: Hostel, travel
Posted on 24 June 2008 by admin

From Mashable:
With gas prices and airfare on the rise, you probably want to save money on every aspect of your trip. Cheap hotels are one idea, but vacation rentals, furnished apartments and even youth hostels can be lower cost alternatives.
Browse this list, do your research, and see what sort of deals you can find to save even more money on your next getaway.
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Related Reading:
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
QuickBooks 2009 For Dummies
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