Posted on 19 March 2010 by admin

From Source:
Do you doubt the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day in the modern world of mouth wash, mints, breath sprays, and breath strips? Believe it or not there are more reasons than minty fresh breath to keep up with your tooth brushing skills. Brushing twice a day is very important for dental health and good oral hygiene.
Listropolis' Take:
This one is really trending on the web right now. I still haven't figured out why, but it's an interesting post, and worth a read. (it's a quick read)
See the List
Related Reading:
Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovation in our Schools (Jossey-Bass Teacher)
Unusual Ways to Market Your Greeting Cards and 22 Places to Get Your Designs Featured
North Light Collection 2: The works, viewpoints, and techniques of the contemporary artists as featured in the pages of North light magazine
Posted on 21 February 2010 by admin

From Source: MyTechOpinion
Facebook celebrated it’s 6th birthday in style…by launching a redesign of the home page. I was excited to be included in the initial 80 million accounts that were updated with the design on February 4th. This new layout is being rolled out to the remaining Facebook users now (Reggie’s still waiting).
I have to say I’ve been a bit annoyed with some of the recent minor changes made by Facebook, but when it comes to this new overhaul…I’m a fan! Most notably, are the cleaner home page appearance and the removal of the bottom “start” bar. The search bar is now prominently displayed in the top center of the home page, just above the News Feed. And the top blue navigation bar has been simplified to include just a few key quick launch links on the left and right sides.
Now just in case you are a tad turned around by this new layout, I put together a quick list of 10 tips for getting reacquainted with the network you know and love!
Listropolis' Take:
This is rock-solid information if you're still having trouble navigating Facebook's new layout. Bookmark it fast, and make sure you read it soon - otherwise, Facebook is sure to switch layouts on you again. Good job Nicole!
See the List
Related Reading:
Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day
Featured Reviews in Mathematical Reviews Set 1995-1999
Mexican Everyday (Recipes Featured on Season 4 of the PBS-TV series "Mexico One Plate at a Time")
Posted on 01 December 2009 by admin

From Source:
There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to social media. People seem to think that every day standards and decency get tossed out the window because of the anonymity of the Internet. Unfortunately for those people, that’s not always the case. First off, the Internet is getting smaller, and by that, I mean that it’s getting easier to find out who people are. You know how the saying goes “It’s a small world.” That reigns true for the Internet, especially social media sites, as well. Everyone is connected one way or another. There’s a whole “Six Degrees of Separation” thing going on.
There are Ten Commandments of Social Media that you should always try to follow. They will not only make you a better person but they will make your followers that much more appreciative of what you have to say.
Listropolis' Take:
If you consider yourself a social media guru, expert, king/queen, or any other superlative, this list should be required reading. Amazingly simple tips that should be common sense, but are missed by far too many "experts." Bookmark this post immediately!
See the List
Related Reading:
Success Secrets of Social Media Marketing Superstars
Unusual Ways to Market Your Greeting Cards and 22 Places to Get Your Designs Featured
Word of Mouth: Poems Featured on NPR's All Things Considered
Posted on 06 October 2008 by admin

From Tech Radar:
There are simple steps that you can take in order to optimise your system for better performance. Sometimes this involves a little spring cleaning, other times a combination of hardware and software upgrading. Whichever you choose, it's easier than you think to speed up your Mac. You could even feel like you've got a brand new machine.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Little Mac Book, Snow Leopard Edition
Mac Secrets
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Bible
Posted on 15 September 2008 by admin

From woork:
Blogger it's a very powerful platform to publish your blog. It's free and with some features which you can customize how you prefer, without limits.
In this post I want to illustrate some tips which can help you to improve your Blogger template to design a professional layout for your blog.
See the List
design, inspiration, blogger, tips, google
Related Reading:
Blogging for Fame and Fortune
The Design of Everyday Things
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
Tags: os, tips, ubuntu
10 things you wanted to do with Ubuntu but didn’t know how
Posted on 15 September 2008 by admin

From How to Geek:
In this post we're going to look at 10 useful tutorials written by the How-to Geek himself.
See the List
ubuntu, os, tips
Related Reading:
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Joomla! For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Beginning Joomla! (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
Posted on 02 September 2008 by admin

From ZenHabits:
I love reading lists of things to do before you die, but after reading several of these lists, I’ve realized that each list is a very personal thing. It can only apply to the writer of the list, and not to all human beings in general. No such list can do that.
And think about this: if you’re trying to follow a list of things to do before you die … trying to check things off the list, just to say you’ve done it … what’s the point, really? To be able to tell people you’ve done it? To follow the life prescription of some writer?
I won’t try to tell you what to do before you die … but I will suggest some questions to figure out how to live … right now. Each and every day.
Because you never know how much time you have left, and trying to cram a list of things into that unknown time can be futile. Instead, live every day to the fullest. Get the most out of life.
See the List
Related Reading:
Food and Health
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises: Four Weeks to a Leaner, Sexier, Healthier YOU!
Posted on 26 June 2008 by admin

From Life Hackery:
On a recent dumpster diving trip, we came across several discarded pairs of jeans. They seemed perfectly good and sported no rips, stains or funky smells. Since these 43 X 30s were out of our size range, they went right to the thrift store’s drop box.
Spotting these seemingly still-good jeans being discarded brought up a question: what can you do with old jeans that you just can’t wear any longer? Actually, a lot of things. Denim is a sturdy and long-lasting material. Most of the suggestions below require some level of craftiness, but with a little time and effort you can give those old jeans new life. Bonus: recycling jeans to make stuff is a fantastic way to save money and increase your green factor. Next time we see some old jeans going to waste, we’re snagging ‘em.
See the List
Related Reading:
AZU-1: Lifehack
Learn To Speed Read: The Official Kris Madden Workbook
Priority Setting - Working on the Right Things: Productive & Organized-Finding Your Way Special Report
Tags: real estate, tips
Posted on 29 April 2008 by admin

Img courtesy of
From theXBroker:
What are your three tips to someone wanting to become a real estate agent today?
Hi Im Rudy at Trulia, a social media guru, inspired this post with a question on Twitter last week.
My initial reaction was ‘Why would anyone want to enter the real estate sales industry today?’ but the prevailing thought became: It would be a great time to enter if you knew how to play the game with new rules and better tools.
The information below is nothing new to the experienced professional, it’s meant to be a simple guide to help a new agent put their feet in the pool without inundating them with too much information.
See the List
Related Reading:
Joomla! 1.6: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (3rd Edition)
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Smooth Tests of Goodness of Fit (Oxford Statistical Science Series)
Tags: tips, vehicle
74 Tips to Keep Your Car in Top-Notch Condition
Posted on 13 March 2008 by admin
From Site:
We've compiled our best expert advice, surprising tricks, and maintenance and fix-it tips to prolong the life of your car!
See the List
Related Reading:
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Beginning Joomla! (Beginning from Novice to Professional)