Posted on 30 June 2010 by admin
From Source: Mashable
Rebecca Zook is an online female math tutor who has been helping students get math into their brains for seven years. She blogs about learning at Triangle Suitcase.
We’ve sorted the contenders from the pretenders and found five genuinely fun ways to help your kids learn math this summer. These unique technologies go way beyond the world of flashcards, and use surprising tools including rap music, adaptive technology, psychological research and wailing guitar solos.
They’re fun. They’re easy to use. And they aren’t lame.
Listropolis' Take:
Not your typical Mashable post, but it's surprisingly interesting. If you don't have children, you can probably skip this one, but if you do...this list contains some great sites to help with math.
See the List
Related Reading:
Recipe for a Book Club: A Monthly Guide for Hosting Your Own Reading Group: Menus & Recipes, Featured Authors, Suggested Readings, and Topical Questions
Pale & Interesting: Decorating With Whites, Pastels and Nuetrals for a Warm and Welcoming Home
Sam Francis: Catalogue Raisonné of Canvas and Panel Paintings, 1946-1994: Edited by Debra Burchett-Lere with featured essay by William C. Agee
Posted on 22 March 2010 by admin
From Source: Mashable
Today is Twitter’s fourth birthday, and to celebrate the occasion we asked our Twitter followers: “Let us know how Twitter changed your life – add hashtag #thankstwitter4 so we can find your tweet.”
We got thousands of responses — in fact, #thankstwitter4 has become a trending topic. As promised, we did our best to sift through the tweets and find 140 that represent the Twitterzeitgeist as we enter the social network’s fourth year. Below are our selections, split up into categories or sentiments that we noticed were particularly common.
Listropolis' Take:
Meh. While not Mashable's strongest list, it is a good look at why people love the little blue bird that could.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Featured Drummer (Music Sales America)
Twitter Marketing For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))
Twitter Power 2.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
Posted on 09 February 2010 by admin
From Source: Mashable
In the era of social media, our networks are much larger than they have ever been, and we have more ways to communicate with those in them. Even if you are not very active on Facebook or Twitter, my guess is that your sphere of communication has expanded significantly in recent years. Who you communicate with and how you communicate has changed radically. This new connected era brings both opportunities and challenges.
In the past we had a set of contacts, all of whom generally knew how to reach us — via phone, e-mail, or regular mail. Today, thanks in large part to social media, we have many different levels of communication, each with a specific purpose and etiquette. When we do not understand the role of these levels, they can become huge time wasters. When we do understand them however, they can help us more effectively engage and navigate these new waters
Listropolis' Take:
It's Mashable, so you know you're getting a solid list. This list has less to do with the social media side of things we've come to know, and more to do with real-life communication tips. Study it - it could help.
See the List
Related Reading:
Success Secrets of Social Media Marketing Superstars
The Featured Drummer (Music Sales America)
Sam Francis: Catalogue Raisonné of Canvas and Panel Paintings, 1946-1994: Edited by Debra Burchett-Lere with featured essay by William C. Agee
Posted on 10 November 2009 by admin
![linkedin-logo linkedin-logo](/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/linkedin-logo-300x199.jpg)
From Source: Mashable
LinkedIn (LinkedIn), which recently reached the 50 million user milestone, has long been considered the social networking site for professionals. If you’re in business, it is basically expected that you have a profile there.
But with the more mainstream platforms like Twitter (Twitter) and Facebook (Facebook) being used for business purposes, some professionals are neglecting their LinkedIn profiles. While LinkedIn is certainly not as dynamic as other social media sites, it still provides a lot of value — if you use it correctly. So whether you’re new to LinkedIn or a veteran, here are some of the things you should consider incorporating into your LinkedIn strategy.
Listropolis' Take:
I'll admit...I'm on LinkedIn, but I've never given it much more time than just setting up my profile, and looking around to see what was going on. This is is strong, but it's not exactly LinkedIn specific. Well, it is, but it's the same type of list you'd see for setting up any social profile. The good thing is, it's for a site that doesn't seem to get the attention the heavy hitters do, so it's worth a read.
See the List
Related Reading:
Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business (New Rules Social Media Series)
The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue
Social BOOM!: How to Master Business Social Media to Brand Yourself, Sell Yourself, Sell Your Product, Dominate Your Industry Market, Save Your Butt, ... and Grind Your Competition into the Dirt
The 10 Users You’ll Meet on Twitter
Posted on 02 January 2009 by admin
From Mashable:
Twitter is undoubtedly becoming one of the fastest growing social media tools in existence. As it continues to expand, so too does the diversity of its user base.
Whether you’re new to Twitter, a veteran user, or someone that is just interested, here’s a list of the 10 people you meet on Twitter. There may be more, but this is a great place to start.
Listropolis' Take
I really like this list - or so I thought. The list is great, creative and original, but looking at the "People that do it right" tweeple, I thought I'd be quickly following new people. Thing is, none of the people really grabbed my attention enough to follow them. My favorite group was the list of celebrities, but even they didn't do much for me - your mileage may very. If you're new to Twitter, this will probably be an essential list for you - and will serve as a guide for what to watch out for. By the way, you can follow me on twitter here.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Twitter Book
Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business (New Rules Social Media Series)
Getting Started with Twitter For Dummies
40+ Topics for Corporate Bloggers
Posted on 11 August 2008 by admin
From Mashable,
There will be times that you have to contribute a post for your company’s blog and you just don’t have one idea that inspires you to start a conversation. We’ve all been there and that’s why we’ve created this resource with more than 40 topics for corporate bloggers to help provide that much need inspiration:
See the List
Related Reading:
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
The IT Girl's Guide to Blogging with Moxie
Blogging for Fame and Fortune