Tags: browsing, Internet
14 Simple Tips for Super Fast Web Browsing
Posted on 22 October 2009 by admin

From Source: Zen Habits
As someone who does most of his work on the web, I’ve developed some habits to allow me to work quickly, without distraction, so that I can get my work done easily.
When I see others browse the web, it sometimes surprises me how far behind they are, and when others see me browse the web they’re surprised at how quick I am.
I’m not bragging — I know there are web monkeys faster than me. But I thought I’d share some of my tricks for the masses, in hopes that it’ll be of some use.
First, understand that everyone has their own personal style of browsing, and I don’t think you should adopt every tip below. This is what works for me. You probably won’t like it as much.
Second, understand that my philosophy is one of minimalism: I don’t like a lot of bells, whistles or distractions, and I like fast, lightweight programs that aren’t bloated or slow. I also like to work quickly, using the keyboard mostly, so that I can get my work done without friction.
So here are my tips — some of these will be old hat for web veterans, but they bear repeating.
Listropolis' Take:
GREAT list! These tips are simple, and can be implemented immediately.
See the List
Related Reading:
Empower English Language Learners With Tools From the Web
Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a Borderless World
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms
Tags: hack, iTunes, Music, streaming
Posted on 03 January 2009 by admin

The title might be a tad over-dramatic, but having played with Spotify for about 10 minutes, I'm convinced it's the hands-down best damn streaming music player I've ever seen - and thanks to TechCrunch and their post How To Try Spotify Immediately, No Matter Where You Live. They have a great explanation - but this little hack might not last long, so I'm just going to give you the steps to do it, and you can read about it after downloading.
Here are the steps:
Invite yourself from anywhere:
1) go to http://www.daveproxy.co.uk/
2) enter the following URL: https://www.spotify.com/en/get-started/
3) Create your account, for UK postcode - check http://www.postcodesearch.org.uk/
Now get downloading before they close this thing up. Thank me later.
If you need a little more info, just think iTunes - but all streaming. You can make playlists and drag streams into the playlist for later. Do you really need to know more?
Related Reading:
Entertainment Weekly Seinfeld Companion
Unusual Ways to Market Your Greeting Cards and 22 Places to Get Your Designs Featured
The Music Lesson: A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music
Tags: resources, websites
Posted on 02 November 2008 by admin

From TechRadar:
When it comes to the Internet, we're creatures of habit – Google for search, Hotmail for email, Twitter to stay in touch and maybe the BBC's website for news.
This means that we use only a handful of favourite sites, leaving the rest of the Internet unvisited. Let's put that right. By the time you've finished reading, we promise that your list of bookmarked sites will have ballooned and you'll be getting more from your surfing.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It
Web Site Measurement Hacks: Tips & Tools to Help Optimize Your Online Business
Tags: optimization, Web Tools
Posted on 19 October 2008 by admin

From The Wojo Group:
You could write a book on website optimization, in fact people already have. But, here’s 10 really easy steps to getting your sites optimized for speed. Hopefully this will get you started and you’ll want to investigate front end optimization a little further.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher
Internet Riches: The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires
The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know About Computer Networking and How the Internet Works (4th Edition)
Tags: Funny, Internet
10 Amazing URLs with Sites that Suck
Posted on 16 May 2008 by admin

From NowPublic:
In the real world, location can be everything. On the Internet, a website's virtual location, its URL, can be just as important.
Most URLs give you exactly what you think they will. Money.com takes you to CNN's Money page. If you're looking for a car, go to Cars.com. Movies.com gives you all the information that you would could want that has to do with Hollywood.
Then there are the ones that suck -- those complete wastes of excellent domain names that take you to a blank page (or even worse, a dreaded advertising page). Here are some URLs that SHOULD be something. They just aren't.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher
How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too!: The Complete Insider's Guide to Making Millions with Your Internet Business
Funny, You Don't Look Like A Grandmother
Tags: Internet, marketing, trends
12 Trends for the Next 3 Years for Internet Marketing
Posted on 16 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
I've been publishing Web Digest For Marketers since April 14th, 1995. It was the very first email newsletter about Internet marketing.
My staff and I have seen tectonic changes that will only accelerate. On the other hand, we've witnessed many "next big things" fizzle and die, never to be heard from again.
The 12 trends below represent what I think you need to keep an eye on in the foreseeable future. Enjoy.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom
How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too!: The Complete Insider's Guide to Making Millions with Your Internet Business
The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know About Computer Networking and How the Internet Works (4th Edition)