Tags: browsing, Internet
14 Simple Tips for Super Fast Web Browsing
Posted on 22 October 2009 by admin

From Source: Zen Habits
As someone who does most of his work on the web, I’ve developed some habits to allow me to work quickly, without distraction, so that I can get my work done easily.
When I see others browse the web, it sometimes surprises me how far behind they are, and when others see me browse the web they’re surprised at how quick I am.
I’m not bragging — I know there are web monkeys faster than me. But I thought I’d share some of my tricks for the masses, in hopes that it’ll be of some use.
First, understand that everyone has their own personal style of browsing, and I don’t think you should adopt every tip below. This is what works for me. You probably won’t like it as much.
Second, understand that my philosophy is one of minimalism: I don’t like a lot of bells, whistles or distractions, and I like fast, lightweight programs that aren’t bloated or slow. I also like to work quickly, using the keyboard mostly, so that I can get my work done without friction.
So here are my tips — some of these will be old hat for web veterans, but they bear repeating.
Listropolis' Take:
GREAT list! These tips are simple, and can be implemented immediately.
See the List
Related Reading:
Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Getting Things Done
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms
The Internet For Dummies
Posted on 23 July 2008 by admin

From SimpleHelp.net:
One often overlooked aspect of using your computer productively is the desktop. Instead of having a pretty picture of the beach, try using one of these wallpapers.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Instant Productivity Toolkit
Work Less, Do More: The 14-Day Productivity Makeover
Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Getting Things Done
7 iPhone Apps to Boost Your Productivity
Posted on 22 July 2008 by admin

From Lifehack.org:
The iPhone has been out for more than a week and the hubbub has started dying off and the realities are starting to set in. Not to try and put more fuel on the fire of hype, but I always think the point when the Reality Distortion Field effect starts wearing off* is the best time to look at the technology objectively as well as the application options available to you.
I mean, when an application that tests how long you can push a button gets web-wide coverage, you know there’s some kind of reality distortion going on.
So, I’ve compiled a list of apps from the iTunes App Store that I’ve found useful and good for productivity that you might be interested in trying out. That is, if you hadn’t already done so during the week’s excessive hype. Or if you’re not busy playing Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart.
To find any of these apps and install them, fire up iTunes and run them through the iTunes Store search box. And if you’re favorite productivity application isn’t listed here, it could be because I haven’t tried it or didn’t like it—but then, just as likely, it might just be because of the bone-headed decision to restrict some apps by country.
See the List
Related Reading:
Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload
The Productivity Handbook: New ways of leveraging your time, information, and communications
Leave the Office Earlier: The Productivity Pro Shows You How to Do More in Less Time...and Feel Great About It
Posted on 14 March 2008 by admin
From Site:
Having a little trouble getting motivated? From work responsibilities to personal calendars and endless to-do lists, we can all find ourselves stretched in too many directions. To give you a little boost, we've generated a list of the top 100 productivity and lifehack blogs. Here they are, arranged by category, but in no particular order.
See the List
Related Reading:
Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Getting Things Done
AZU-1: Lifehack
Productivity Toolbox: 37+ Tools for Taking Action and Getting Things Done
Posted on 12 March 2008 by admin
From the site:
Last week we talked about how taking action is the first priority of a small business (or just about anything). This week it’s time to go beyond talk and start getting things done.
With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of the best resources and tools available for taking action, getting things done, and generally being productive.
Continue Reading
Productivity Toolbox: 37+ Tools for Taking Action and Getting Things Done
Related Reading:
The Productivity Handbook: New ways of leveraging your time, information, and communications
Implementing Getting Things Done(r) (GTD(r)) with your BlackBerry(r) Wireless Handheld
Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload