Posted on 19 March 2010 by admin

From Source:
Do you doubt the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day in the modern world of mouth wash, mints, breath sprays, and breath strips? Believe it or not there are more reasons than minty fresh breath to keep up with your tooth brushing skills. Brushing twice a day is very important for dental health and good oral hygiene.
Listropolis' Take:
This one is really trending on the web right now. I still haven't figured out why, but it's an interesting post, and worth a read. (it's a quick read)
See the List
Related Reading:
The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School
Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
Mexican Everyday (Recipes Featured on Season 4 of the PBS-TV series "Mexico One Plate at a Time")
Posted on 16 August 2008 by admin

Lately, I’ve been simultaneously using less and less of what I learned in school while discovering more and more skills that are vital to success which were never even offered in school!
If I were to be 100% honest, probably the most valuable skill I learned in college was how to talk to girls (certainly a vital skill for happiness and success, but not what I was there to learn).
The economics classes? Nope, mostly academic mumbo-jumbo that is entirely useless to all but a handful of policy makers. The computer science classes? Hmm, maybe about 10% of that I’ve used, but it’s nothing I couldn’t have picked up with a couple good books, which I routinely do now. The history, English, philosophy, and physics? Aside from giving me a general understanding of the world and making me sound smart at cocktail parties, I can’t think of anything in there that I really use on a day to day basis.
Much of college gave me a bad taste for education. It made learning a real drag. I got through it to get the degree, but it wasn’t until after school that my education really began.
So what are the top skills that should be taught to every man, woman, and child who enters our education system? I’m glad you asked…
See the List
Related Reading:
The Flat World and Education: How America's Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future (Multicultural Education)
Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovation in our Schools (Jossey-Bass Teacher)
What Great Teachers Do Differently: 14 Things That Matter Most
Posted on 31 July 2008 by admin

From How to Split an Atom:
The web is store house of tips and tricks. Most of this content, however, would be most accurately described as How To’s — narrowly focused and informal, without the academic rigor you might expect find in a College or University. More and more, major Universities are offering lectures free of charge online. Here are a few ways to sample the coursework of some major Universities from the comfort of your home.
See the List
Related Reading:
An Incomplete Education: 3,684 Things You Should Have Learned but Probably Didn't
Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains
What Great Teachers Do Differently: 14 Things That Matter Most
Tags: Education, Free
More than 100 Free Places to Learn Online – and Counting
Posted on 14 March 2008 by admin
From Site:
I’ve been a fan of open education for some time and recently have been intrigued by the revival of the “free” business model debate by Chris Anderson and Kevin Kelly, among others. So, conflating the two, I decided to undertake what turned into a “pulling a thread on a sweater” exercise and see how many free places to learn things I could find on the Web relatively quickly. I’ve included some notes and observations on this exercise below, but first I’ll cut to the chase and offer a brief table of contents for what follows:
See the List
Related Reading:
Free: The Future of a Radical Price
Free Books for Your Kindle (revised edition)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
7 Universities and Websites Offering Free Business Entrepreneurship Courses Online
Posted on 12 March 2008 by admin
From the site:
Approximately 10 million entrepreneurs think about starting a business in the U.S. every year. Only 3 million of them actually do it. Be one of the 3 million with these free online business entrepreneurship courses.
Continue Reading
7 Universities and Websites Offering Free Business Entrepreneurship Courses Online
Related Reading:
The Flat World and Education: How America's Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future (Multicultural Education)
The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education
Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains