If you've read this blog for any time, you'll know I'm not only a HUGE Apple/Mac fan, but I also have an unhealthy love with TUAW. I didn't expect my feedreader to be active today, but good ol' TUAW has written some of the coolest posts I've seen, and I wanted to share them. If you received a new Apple product today, there's a good chance one of these posts will be just for you, and if you're new to the Apple family, take a second and subscribe to TUAW's RSS feed (feed link)!
So you just got your first Mac -- now what?

This is a nice "Welcome to the family" post. It discusses the ease of setting up your new Mac, explains MobileMe, and Windows compatibility. This is a very solid post getting you started with your Mac, and helping you find ways to expand your experience - and if you don't get enough from the post, check out their Mac 101 series for even more tips. Worth a read if you got your Mac today, or have had one for years.
So you just got a MacBook -- now what?

This post has a ton of good information of accessories like cases, power adapters, and a handful of other useful items every MacBook owner should know about. The last item discussed is AppleCare, and I can't stress how important I feel that service is. I'll let TUAW explain the deets on it, but just know that I'm a huge supporter of AppleCare.
So you just got a MacBook Pro -- now what?

Since the MacBook Pro is often used as a desktop replacement, this post goes into more depth than the MacBook post. This post discusses ideas for travelers and gamers, and has a few nice software suggestions, as well as a nice list of cases to consider.
So you just got an iPod touch -- now what?

My niece got one of these a few months ago, so this post came in very handy. I'm an iPhone owner, and didn't realize there were so many differences between the two. This post has a nice list of apps to get you started, lists a few good cases, earphone suggestions, and is just a well rounded guide for getting the most out of your new iPod Touch. My personal favorite is the "Oooh and Ahhh Demo" mentioned at the end of the post. We've all done it, but now there's a guide for it. On a side note - the Nike+ app for the new iPod Touch is too freaking cool to not be available for the iPhone.....just sayin'.
So you just got an iTunes gift card -- now what?

THIS is why I love TUAW! They miss nothing when it comes to Apple. I never would have thought to do a post on a gift card, but this post has 8 tips on how to use your shiny new gift card. Pure TUAW awesomeness!
So you just got an iPod nano -- now what?

I went to the Apple Store in Orlando yesterday, and it was the first time I got to play with the new nanos, and they're so much cooler looking in person. I imagine this will be one of the most read posts in this series, and the information discussed won't let you down. Consider this a guide for setting up, using, taking care of, and anything else nano related. Very thorough.
So you just got a digital camera -- now what?

I was starting to think TUAW made a mistake with this post, but then I started thinking about how amazing Macs are with digital media. I own a photography company, and use Lightroom and Photoshop almost daily. I think I took for granted how easy it is to process digital photos on a Mac, but TUAW really goes into great detail about using your new digital camera on your Mac.
So you just got an iMac -- now what?

If I didn't do video editing, I would have purchased one of these instead of my Mac Pro (though the iMac handles video editing just fine). Like the other posts, this discussing everything from getting started to printing on your new iMac. I'm pretty sure you'll find the Mac 101 series a huge asset with the iMac too.
So you just got an iPhone -- now what?

The phone that started the touchscreen revolution. The TUAW post has info on cases, apps, links to user guides, and plenty of basic info to get any new iPhone owner headed into iPhone bliss. If you got an iPhone today, head over to this post and bookmark it. It provides everything you need to become a master of your domain device.
Related Reading:
Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition
Managing Human Resources
Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK