From Source:
From the moment I sat down to watch my first episode of "The French Chef," I was hooked on cooking shows.
In fact, based on the number of hours I've spent studying Julia, Gordon and Alton, I ought to be a superchef myself. Alas, that's not the case. But if there's one thing I can do better than Chef Tell, it's tell you about the best shows in the genre.
And with a dizzying array of shows aired on entire networks devoted to cooking, you're going to need a roadmap.
So, with that in mind, here is our list of the "Top 100 Cooking Shows of All Time." Read it to re-visit some of your old favorites, or study it carefully to discover some new gems.
Either way, enjoy the list, let us know what you think and, please, no wagering.
Listropolis' Take:
Very solid list of cooking shows. Each one has a video snippet and has been ranked on entertainment and education value along with the tastiness of what they prepare. If cooking is your thing, you'll want to make sure you check this out.
See the List
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