Tags: Science, stunts
The 6 Most Badass Stunts Ever Pulled in the Name of Science
Posted on 29 May 2008 by admin

From Cracked:
Scientists have a PR problem. If TV is to be believed, doctorates are awarded in the form of fishbowl glasses and a tendency to stutter. Sometimes movies try to help out by portraying action scientists, like in The Core, but usually do more harm than good since it's generally restricted to truly terrible movies, like in The Core.
Here we look at seven self-endangering scientists who only wear lab coats because you can't get explosive-bear-proof tuxedos outside of MI6. Each one of these researchers has been voted "Most likely to inject themselves with the Omega Serum while shouting, 'Dammit, there's no time for testing!'"
See the List
Related Reading:
History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science
What Is the World Made Of? All About Solids, Liquids, and Gases (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 2)
Dark Matter
Tags: books, investing
10 Investing Books Recommended By Warren Buffett
Posted on 28 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
Over the years, Warren Buffett has recommended many books in a variety of venues about a variety of subjects. Continuing our ongoing series of books recommended by Buffett (our last entry in this series was on Buffett’s political book recommendations) here we highlight ten books that Buffett has recommended on investing.
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Related Reading:
MediaWiki (Wikipedia and Beyond)
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)
A Design is Finished when… 23 Pro Designers’ Opinions
Posted on 28 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
One of the most important and hardest things to overcome when designing is to understand when the piece you are designing on is actually finished. while creativity is sometime boundless the end result should always be the result of a clear objective, the end result. I often get caught between creativity and completion and from the emails I've received, I have discovered im not alone .So we asked the experts.
See the List
Related Reading:
Universal Principles of Design, Revised and Updated: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design
Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things
Layout Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Building Pages in Graphic Design
Tags: beauty
History’s 9 Most Terrifying Beauty Tips
Posted on 28 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
You can say the world is shallow and vain these days, what with our fake tans and breast implants, but the truth is, we've always been that way.
In fact, when you see the lengths to which people used to go to make themselves look or smell a little better, it makes Botox look downright rational.
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Related Reading:
QuickBooks 2010 For Dummies
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Posted on 27 May 2008 by admin
From the Site:

See the Rest
Related Reading:
Help! I'm Laughing and I Can't Get Up: Fall-down Funny Stories to Fill Your Heart and Lift Your Spirits
Lincoln's Yarns and Stories; A Complete Collection of the Funny and Witty Anecdotes That Made Lincoln Famous as America's Greatest Story Teller
The Funny Thing Is...
40 Options for Converting PSD to HTML
Posted on 27 May 2008 by admin

From vandelaydesign:
I’m sure you’ve seen advertisements for a few different services that will convert your PSD files into HTML and CSS. If you’re looking to save some time on your next project you may want to consider trying one of these services. In this post I’ve compiled 40 different options with some details on their services. If you have experience with any of these companies please feel free to leave a comment.
See the List
Related Reading:
Universal Principles of Design, Revised and Updated: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design
Logo Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities
Non-Designer's Design Book, The (3rd Edition)
Tags: diseases, Health
5 Crazy Diseases
Posted on 27 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
If mainstream media has made one thing clear, it’s that we the people crave the bizarre. And sometimes, the bizarre is beyond what anyone could have imagined. Such is the case with certain rare and crazy diseases -- disorders that seem to defy reality. Unfortunately for the many sufferers out there, some diseases, however crazy they may be, are very real -- and equally as frightening. Here are just a few crazy diseases to whet your appetite for the bizarre.
See the List
Related Reading:
Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide, Revised and Updated Edition
The Seven Pillars of Health
Health: The Basics (8th Edition)
Posted on 25 May 2008 by admin

Submitted by Allison Jones of Entry Level Living:
In the past year I have had the privilege of attending a variety of conferences and sitting in on some pretty important meetings ranging from nonprofit fundraising and marketing to curriculum development and student recruitment. While the topics may vary one aspect stays the same: I’m always the youngest person in the room.
To a certain extent this is to be expected. After all, I’m 22, fresh out of college, and am intent on making a name for myself. However, walking into a room full of people who have decades on you in terms of both age and experience can leave you feeling tongue tied and anxious. Over time, I have been able to get a grip and become more comfortable in this scenario.
See the List
Related Reading:
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Tags: gen y, workplace
Posted on 24 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
There’s no doubt that Generation Y will fundamentally change corporate America. It’s already started. Managing Gen Y is the hot topic among consultants, Human Resource executives and talent management professionals. For a Gen Yer like me, this is great news.
We have a voice, and we have the ear of the decision makers. Not bad for a group of lazy, entitled, twentysomethings. We’ve learned the importance of balancing work and life from our overworked parents, and we’ve watched our older siblings and cousins struggle with their baby boomer bosses who refuse to retire. Now we’re primed to change the workplace for the better. Here’s how we’ll do it.
See the List
Related Reading:
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Jump (Uncategorized)
Tags: kindness, zen
25 Ways to Help a Fellow Human Being Today
Posted on 24 May 2008 by admin

From zenhabits:
Too often the trend in our society is for people to be separated from either other, to be cut off from the great mass of humanity, and in doing so to be dehumanized a little bit more with each step.
Cars have taken us off the streets, where we used to greet each other and stop to chat. Cubicles have taken away a bit of the humanity in working, as have factories and even computers to some extent. Television has planted us firmly in our living rooms, instead of out with other people. Even movie theaters, where many people get together, cut us off from true conversation because we’re staring at a big screen.
And while I’m not railing against any of these inventions (except perhaps the cubicle), what we must guard against is the tendency of that individuality to have us focused on ourselves to the exclusion of our fellow human beings. The tendency towards selfishness rather than giving, on helping ourselves rather than helping our brothers and sisters in humanity.
I’m not saying we’re all like that, but it can happen, if we’re not careful.
So strike back against the selfishness and greed of our modern world, and help out a fellow human being today. Not next month, but today.
Helping a fellow human being, while it can be inconvenient, has a few humble advantages:
See the List
Related Reading:
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
MediaWiki (Wikipedia and Beyond)
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)