Posted on 25 April 2008 by admin

From the Site:
From the looks of things, some office furniture designers have started to think outside the box when creating the latest addition to the range. In fact, some of the office furniture on offer these days is so incredibly different that it’s highly doubtful you’ll ever be confronted by it as you walk into your own place of work. Regardless, it’s great to see innovative uses of materials and objects in the quest to add some wow factor to what is essentially one of the most visually predictable spaces we will ever encounter on such a regular basis.
Here are our picks for the Top 5 Amazingly Bizarre Pieces of Office Furniture.
See the List
Related Reading:
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Joomla! For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Posted on 24 April 2008 by admin

Submitted by Brian Brown:
- tons of traffic
- tons of repeat traffic
- tons of content
- Google will love you
- promote products
- advertise sales
- ask for feedback
See the rest of the List
Related Reading:
Blogging All-in-One For Dummies
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
The IT Girl's Guide to Blogging with Moxie
Posted on 23 April 2008 by admin

From the Site:
Before long, RFID tags in the kitchen will be reminding you when it's time to buy more milk and eggs. Hitting the market now, however, are brilliant everyday home appliances that can perform next-gen tasks with everything from anti-snoring tech to remote-control flushing.
See the List
Related Reading:
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)
Beginning Joomla! (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
QuickBooks 2010 For Dummies
Posted on 23 April 2008 by admin

From Lifehacker:
You already love the one-stop convenience of shopping online at, but chances are you're not getting everything you can out of this feature-packed shopping engine. Did you know Amazon can email you suggestions from Mom's wish list two weeks before her birthday? Automatically ship you a new case of toilet paper every two months? Refund the difference on the price of an item you purchased that went on sale? Several advanced Amazon features and third party apps and add-ons can help you get the best deals and the stuff you want delivered to your door right on time. After the jump, add our favorite 10 Amazon power-shopper tools to your cart.
See the List
Related Reading:
Joomla! 1.6: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (3rd Edition)
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Posted on 22 April 2008 by admin
Most marketing starts out with good intentions, but sometimes, things just go wrong.... really wrong. Below, you'll find videos, pictures, and other forms of marketing that didn't really hit the mark.
#1 - Does Sex Sell? (NSFW)
Most people would agree that sex does in fact sell, but using it to sell real estate? Hmmm.... The video ended up driving tons of traffic to this agent's site, which he used to announce the opening of his new office. Be warned, this video is NOT safe for work.
Source: Ekday Continue Reading
Related Reading:
Joomla! For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
50 Things You Didn’t Know About Disneyland
Posted on 22 April 2008 by admin

Post submitted by Victoria
In honor of Disneyland’s 50th anniversary, we present 50 cool, obscure and simply odd things you probably didn’t know about the self-proclaimed Happiest Place on Earth. Many were culled from Mouse Tales by David Koenig (Bonaventure, $19.95). Some were provided by Disney archivist Dave Smith, and others came from 101 Things You Never Knew About Disneyland by former park employee Kevin Yee and lifelong fan Jason Schultz (Zauberreich, $14.95).
1. Disneyland’s original Tinker Bell was a 71-year-old Hungarian circus performer named Tiny Kline. The first to fly off the top of the Matterhorn on a zip line, she previously worked as a stunt aerialist, hanging from a flying airplane by her teeth.
2. High inside the hollow Matterhorn is a basketball court. It’s part of an employee break room. Los Angeles Lakers’ center Vlade Divac has been up there to shoot hoops.
3. Many of the faces of the pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean are modeled on those of the “Imagineers” (Disneyspeak for the park’s artists and engineers) who created the ride. There’s evidence one face was modeled on Walt Disney’s.
4. Ron Ziegler, Richard Nixon’s press secretary during the Watergate scandal, once worked as a skipper on the Jungle Cruise ride. Continue Reading
Related Reading:
The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World: Over 600 Secrets of the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom
The Unofficial Guide Walt Disney World 2011 (Unofficial Guides)
Lady and the Tramp
Posted on 21 April 2008 by admin

From the Site:
The process of normalization often confuses newcomers to digital audio production. The word itself, "normalize," has various meanings, and this certainly contributes to the confusion. However, beginners and experts alike are also tripped up by the myths and misinformation that abound on the topic.
I address the 10 most common myths, and the truth behind each, below.
See the List
Related Reading:
Beginning Joomla! (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Posted on 21 April 2008 by admin
Posted on 21 April 2008 by admin

From the Site:
As anyone with a knack for clichés knows, necessity is the mother of invention. However, it could also be said that while good inventions are often the product of necessity, great inventions are accidental. To demonstrate the importance of serendipity, we’ve put together a list of 10 examples of unintentional discoveries that too often we find ourselves taking for granted. In no particular order.
See the List
Related Reading:
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide
QuickBooks 2010 For Dummies
Posted on 21 April 2008 by admin

From the Site:
No matter what kind language using programmer will always accumulate many useful and daily using function with rich in development experience day by day. And then the accumulation become to a library at last. Of course it’s include the flex programmers. Following is some very basic, very simple functions which I’ve collected. How about you? If have any proudly and recommendable functions? Then, don’t only stock in your head, leave your comments. Let’s share.
See the List
Related Reading:
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)
QuickBooks 2010 For Dummies