Most marketing starts out with good intentions, but sometimes, things just go wrong.... really wrong. Below, you'll find videos, pictures, and other forms of marketing that didn't really hit the mark.
#1 - Does Sex Sell? (NSFW)
Most people would agree that sex does in fact sell, but using it to sell real estate? Hmmm.... The video ended up driving tons of traffic to this agent's site, which he used to announce the opening of his new office. Be warned, this video is NOT safe for work.
Source: Ekday
#2 - Has it Really Come to This?
Following in the real estate theme, check out what this agent is doing to earn your business.
#3 - McDonald's - I'd Hit it
Ummm.... Maybe that means something else. In January 2005, McDonalds launched a banner campaign featuring a young man slavering over a double cheeseburger. "Double cheeseburger? I'd hit it. I'm a dollar menu guy," went the ad. Soon after the launch, the ad was pulled, and the McDonalds said their marketing team misunderstood the term. Yeah, that sounds good.
#4 - Microsoft Blue Screen of Death at Windows 98 Conference
I use a Mac, so I absolutely love this (I also have an XP lappie, so put down the flame throwers). Whatever camp you're in, seeing the blue screen pop up during a press conference is just funny - and wrong.
Source: Consumerist
#5 - Sutton Fine Art has a "Big Sale"
Classy joint.... Trashy white-paper sign. It's one step above having a blue light flashing in the story (K-Mart, you know I love you).
Source: Sparkplug9
#6 - Take the Risk
What risk? Risk of infection? Risk of disease? This panic-inducing ad didn't last long.
#7 - Thank you from...... You figure it out
This is email marketing at its best. There's just so much wrong with this email. Click the image for a larger view.
Source: Pauked
#8 - The Ellen Feis Apple Switch ad
Some of you might be big fans of this, and there's no denying Ellen became an internet phenomenon, but truth be told, the ad is not that great. Hey Ellen...try Ctrl + S sometime.
#9 - Honda's Asimo trips
It was so sad. Asimo was trying so hard, and when he fell going up the stairs, he just couldn't get up.
Source: Consumerist
#10 - That's Just Wrong
These aren't necessarily bad marketing pieces, they just happened to be placed in bad locations.
Source: Oddee
Have any others? Tell us about them in the comments.
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