25 Ways to Simplify Your Life with Kids
Posted on 27 March 2008 by admin

From the Site:
Anyone who has kids knows that any life with kids is going to be complicated, at least to some degree. From extra laundry to bathing and cooking and shopping and driving and school and chores and crises and sports and dance and toys and tantrums, there is no shortage of complications.
You won’t get to ultra-simple if your life includes children … but you can find ways to simplify, no matter how many kids you have.
Take my life, for example: I have a house full of kids, and yet I’ve found ways to streamline my life, to find peace and happiness among the chaos. How is this magic trick accomplished? Nothing magical, actually, but just little things that have simplified my life over the years.
The main magic trick, however: making my family my top priority, and choosing only a small number of priorities in my life. If you have too many things you want to do, or need to do, your life will become complicated. But if you choose just a few things that are important to you, you can eliminate the rest, and simplify your life greatly.
What follows is a list that might seem complicated to some — 25 items! Trust me, I could easily double this list, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. Instead of trying to tackle everything on this list at once, choose a few things that appeal to you, and give them a try. Bookmark this page and come back to it from time to time to try out other ideas. Best yet, they might inspire new ideas of your own!
See the List
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Geographies of Rhythm
AZU-1: Lifehack
Tags: cheatsheets, Design
Posted on 25 March 2008 by admin
From the Site:
Lets face it, unless you have a photographic memory, no developer can remember all the different functions, options, tags, etc. that exist. Documentation can be cumbersome at times, thats why I like cheat sheets. They are quick references that feature the most commonly forgotten things on a specific topic. You can print them out and hang them on your wall, or just keep them handy in your bookmarks for quick reference.
I have rounded up over 30 cheatsheets that developers might find useful.
See the List
Related Reading:
Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation
Logo Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities
The Web Designer's Idea Book, Vol. 2: More of the Best Themes, Trends and Styles in Website Design
Posted on 24 March 2008 by admin

From the Site:
From wisdom teeth to ear muscles to male nipples, the human body has a number of "useless" parts. Check out these anatomical extras that humans still have but no longer need.
See the List
Related Reading:
Beginning Joomla! (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Tags: Food, Health, restaurants
Posted on 23 March 2008 by admin
A Listropolis Original
If you're trying to shed a few pounds, but don't have the time to prepare your own meals, this list will provide you with the healthiest meal choice for some of the most popular national restaurant chains. Don't be fooled by the healthy-sounding meals, because sometimes, those could be your worst choice.

Best Choice: Grilled Chicken Sub
Stats: 456 calories, 10 g fat (2 g sat), 1,260 mg sodium

Boston Market
Best Choice: Roasted Sirloin, Garlic Dill New Potatoes, and Spinach
Stats: 560 calories, 27 g fat (13 g sat), 760 mg sodium
Continue Reading
Related Reading:
The New Food Lover's Companion
The Seven Pillars of Health
Eat For Health: Lose Weight, Keep It Off, Look Younger, Live Longer (2 book set)
Tags: listropolis
Listropolis Now Optimized for iPhone
Posted on 23 March 2008 by admin
Just a quick note to let our readers know that we are now optimized for the iPhone, and iPod Touch. To see the changes, just point Safari (on your device) to https://listropolis.com/.
As long as we're discussing improvements to the site, you might also notice I've added a widget to show the most popular lists from our site. Nothing big, but nice to see what's popular.
If there are any changes you'd like to see, tell us about them in the comments.
Related Reading:
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)
QuickBooks 2010 For Dummies
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Tags: shopping
Posted on 22 March 2008 by admin

From the Site:
I don't fly very often, but every time I do I make sure to swipe the copy of SkyMall out of my seatback pocket. In case you aren't familiar, SkyMall is a free catalog provided by the airlines in the hopes that passengers will get silly enough on recycled oxygen to spend their hard-earned dollars on lots of Brookstone-grade crap. There is a lot of nonsense in there that real gadget freaks will scoff at, but there is just no excuse to buy any of these eight gizmos no matter how many tiny bottles of liquor you've had between here and Tulsa.
See the List
Related Reading:
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Posted on 22 March 2008 by admin

From the Site:
You have absolutely no chance of getting a job if you can't make a good impression during the job interview. Find out what you need to know about interviewing and get real techniques to ace your interview here.
See the List
Related Reading:
What Color Is Your Parachute? 2011: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers
Coach Yourself to a New Career: 7 Steps to Reinventing Your Professional Life
I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It
Tags: resources, students
Posted on 21 March 2008 by admin

From the Site:
I’m in the middle of writing a lengthy paper - and I’ve discovered a bunch of useful websites.
Here is a collection of over 100 web resources that you might find useful as well:
See the List
Related Reading:
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies
Joomla! 1.6: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (3rd Edition)
Tags: week in review
Posted on 21 March 2008 by admin
Posted on 21 March 2008 by admin

From the Site:
We've compiled a list of cool things you can make with paper -- perfect for a lazy weekend. Which ones are your favorites? Continue reading for the list.
See the List
Related Reading:
Beginning Joomla! Web Site Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide