15 Breathtaking HDR Wallpapers
Posted on 14 December 2008 by admin
If you're anything like me, you like to change your wallpaper often. Below are what I consider the best HDR wallpapers in Flickr. To see the wallpaper version, click on the title, and then click "View All Sizes."
Stiftsruine Lippstadt #2

Very First HDR

Mt. Tolmie stairs, HDR and color rotated

sunset at werder

live beside the church

heaven knows what I want

friendly tractor

somewhere in oderberg

castle rheinsberg

kloster Lehnin #2

by the water

Amtsgericht Wedding

evening scenery at werder

stairway to the water

main castle babelsberg

Related Reading:
Alice in Wonderland
Wallpaper* City Guide Florence
Wild Unrest: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Making of "The Yellow Wall-Paper"
Posted on 23 July 2008 by admin

From SimpleHelp.net:
One often overlooked aspect of using your computer productively is the desktop. Instead of having a pretty picture of the beach, try using one of these wallpapers.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Instant Productivity Toolkit
Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
Posted on 11 July 2008 by admin
One of the coolest features of the iPhone 2.0 software is the ability to save images from the web to your photos. Didn't realize you could? Just press and hold your finger on one of the following images, and you'll be given the option to save the photo. These wallpapers are from the iPhone Wallpapers group on Flickr, and are formatted to perfectly fit your iPhone.

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Related Reading:
Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK
Wallpaper City Guide: Shanghai 2009
Posted on 16 May 2008 by admin

From SmashingMagazine:
Desktop wallpapers are always nice to look at and to draw inspiration from. They may provide with some fresh perspective and offer you some eye-candy for tedious coffee breaks. We are regularly hunting for free high-quality icons, fonts and wallpapers and present them to you, so you don’t need to search for them. As long as we find something beautiful, interesting or useful, we let you know in our posts. And now it’s time for some sweet wallpapers designer’s toolbox.
In this post we present more (really) stunning desktop wallpapers related to typography, photography, illustrations, HDR as well as some abstract and fantasy-related wallpapers. Hopefully, everybody will find something interesting for his or her desktop. All wallpapers can be downloaded for free.
See the List
Related Reading:
Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual
The Design of Everyday Things
Logo Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities
Posted on 15 April 2008 by admin
I've been completely obsessed with this idea for almost a year, and have tried it many times with varying success. The idea is that you take a picture of what is behind your monitor, and use it as your wallpaper, giving the appearance of a see-through monitor. It's not as easy as it looks. Here are some mind-blowing images from Madbidouille:
(Click image for larger view)

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Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition
Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)