Via: Online MBA
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Posted on 08 July 2010 by admin
Via: Online MBA
Posted on 15 March 2010 by admin
From Source:
A few days back I heard a story that Kansas’s capital Topeka, has unofficially changed his city’s name to Google. Its correct Mr William W. Bunten, Mayor of the City of Topeka, Kansas urge the citizens of Topeka, to recognize and support the continuing efforts to bring Google’s “Fiber for Communities” experiment to the city, and do hereby proclaim that for the month of March 2010, the city of Topeka will be Known as Google, Kansas – The Capital City Of Fiber Optics.
In the Proclamation by the Mayor he refers to the 100 times faster Internet service and the name change is only for this purpose.
In my perspective its a brave decision and i like it. But, there are few drawbacks for naming the city to Google (Topeka).
Just a great idea for a post, and one we wish we had come up with first. Heavy on the LOLZ
Posted on 20 January 2010 by admin
From Source: Topless Robot
In real life, guns are cool if you're a private detective or a sporting marksmen. But most of the time kids are always shooting themselves or trying to hold up liquor stores or something, and that sucks. In the movies, however, guns are awesome. In science fiction movies, they're even more awesome and make for some amazing prop replicas. Anything goes in the realm of sci-fi firearms and many pieces completely ignore the laws that govern actual projectile-firing weapons. Early examples of the fictional guns are the heat-ray featured in H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds (1898) and several weapons from A.E. von Vogt's short The Weapon Shop (1942), which featured "express rifles" made of "viridescent magnesitic beryllium." Now in 2010, the futuristic weapons we see on screen are probably above and beyond what Wells imagined and as CGI advances, so does the destruction. So wave your rayguns in the air as we look at the cream of the fictional firearms cache.
Not so into guns, but damn these are cool.
Posted on 12 January 2010 by admin
From Source: ReadWriteWeb
YouTube has come to define the era of online video, so let's take a look at their most popular videos of all time. We first did this list in August 2007, at which point Evolution of Dance by comedian Judson Laipply was number 1 with nearly 56 million views. The next update was September 2008, when Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend pop music video was number 1 with 103 million page views (although commenters argued it may have gamed the system).
How is Evolution of Dance doing now, given the influx of pop music and movie videos into YouTube? Not to mention all of those goofy comedic routines by teenagers and cutesy baby or animal videos. Let's check out the top YouTube videos of all time, as it stands today...
Look...there's a reason these videos have such high view counts. They're great! And to be able to see them all on one post makes them all that much better. Sure, you've probably already seen most of them, but check out the list and see if there were any you missed.
Posted on 08 October 2009 by admin
From Source: Screen Junkies
Huge news that, if true, could produce a film that either rejuvenates one of the best comedy franchises in movie history, or could destroy the film industry forever. Yes, I'm talking about the fact that New Line/Warner Bros. have signed Wedding Crashers director David Dobkin to produce and possibly direct a National Lampoon's Vacation sequel.
Now, I'm someone who doesn't even consider Vegas Vacation a part of the franchise. It's why I've enjoyed referring to the Griswold's misadventures over the years as, "The Vacation Trilogy." After all, "Trilogy" has a nice ring to it and aside from Rusty's Mr. Papageorgio subplot and the casting of Marisol Nichols as daughter Audrey Griswold… Vegas Vacation was about as much fun as arriving at Wally World only to find out it's closed for remodeling.
And the rumor is that the next installment will actually focus not on Clark & Ellen, but on son Rusty and his new family. Chevy Chase may only have a bit part in the film, if that. And so, this led us to curate the following list of classic Clark Griswold clips. At the very least, they'll remind us of what's made the National Lampoon's Vacation series so everlasting. At the most, New Line/Warner Bros. and Mr. Dobkin will stumble across this page, tear up from laughter, realize what they're about to embark on and then either make a kickass Griswold family vacation for a new generation… or scrap the whole idea altogether.
Considering these are my all-time favorite movies, I LOVE this post. If you are a fan of the Vacation franchise, you'll probably end up bookmarking this and coming back to it often.
Posted on 22 September 2009 by admin
From Source: MakeUseOf
The very first thing I should mention is that when it comes to Facebook, there’s really no such thing as “hack codes.” The title of this article is partially tongue-in-cheek, because with Facebook, the rules change so often that one “Facebook hack” code that works today will likely not work tomorrow. Facebook designers change links and features at whim – and you’re left trying to guess what’s coming next and why your link or plug-in no longer works.
You've probably already seen a few of these, but it's worth a bookmark so you can have them all together in one place. There are a couple of real gems here.
Posted on 12 March 2009 by admin
These Twitter mashups probably won't help you with a single thing in your life, but damn they're fun! All of the sites exist for a very specific reason, and do NOT require your Twitter login credentials - you just click the link, sit back, and enjoy. If you like this list sites, tell your friends by RTing this post. If that doesn't make sense to you, you've probably already bailed.
This site is the inspiration for this post. It's AMAZING! Twitmatic finds video links shared on twiteer, and adds them in a video player. I wasted an hour on this site on my first visit. You've been warned!
My second favorite Twitter mashup. This site finds streaming audio feeds and lists them as a playlist. You visit the site, and click play next to a song you want to hear. Perfection!
We've covered video and audio, and this site has you covered with photos. You enter your username, and it will bring you to a page with photos that match your updates. Each photo tells you why it was selected, and it's an interesting way to visualize your tweets.
Twistori has words in the left sidebar, that when clicked, show tweets that have those words in them. I love, hate, think, believe, feel, wish - the choice is yours.
Back to the audio. Wiiizzz is a mashup of twitter and the Hype Machine mp3 blog. The artists you see on wiiizzz are the most popular artists on thehypemachine, and if you click a name, it will bring you to a twitter search with links to streams from that artist. I've noticed, it's usually the same song, but it's still a cool way to find music.
The granddaddy of all twitter mashups. This was the first mashup that came across my radar, and I still visit it from time to time. It takes tweets from the public feed, and shows them on a world map. Pointless? Yes, but a ton of fun if you're bored.
This twitter mashup is fantastic. If you've ever checked out Google Trends, you've probably noticed how difficult it is to find out why a word is trending. Most sites don't index fast enough for google to post accurate stories, but twitter is on top of it. This site shows the google trends words, and has related tweets listed below them.
Like stalking celebrities? This site is for you. It is a collection of celebrities using twitter, and it shows their tweets. You can see the "most talkative," celebrity of the day, and there's a list of celebrities the site is watching in the right sidebar.
Got something to get off your chest, but can't tell anyone? Tell SecretTweet. All posts are anonymous, and most are funny as hell. Apparently someone has a small penis, someone told his girlfriend her ass looked big just so she'd break up with him, and a whole lot more. I'm not sure why more people aren't following @secrettweet because I crack up at almost everyone of the tweets.
A mashup of twitter and delicious. I'm a huge fan of delicious, so this is a natural fit for me. The site shows the most popular links that have been saved to delicious - and they're all fed fram twitter..natch.
Think of tweetmeme as the top everything on twitter. Shows the top blogs, audio, video, and photos. It also lists top users. It's like a 1-stop shop for the best of twitter.
HAHAHA! I love this. It's dumb, and you can't get back the time you waste here, but the concept is simple...they pull tweets with the word "God," or "Jesus" in them, and replace those words with "Science." Hit the link and you'll understand.
If you live by the saying, Misery loves company, this site is just for you. The site pulls tweets of people bitching. That's it. You can rate them tweet, but it seems pointless. Not really sure what the rating does.
Retweets are all the twitter rage these days. This site pulls the most retweeted tweets from set time periods, and displays them. It's a nice way to see what's trending in the RT world.
This should round out the "Pointless" list quite nicely. There's something about the brashness of our favorite 4-letter words showing up in tweets, and cursebird gets that. It streams only tweets with offensive language. Check it out - it's fucking hysterical (see what I did there?).
Know any other great but pointless twitter mashups? We'd love to hear about them in the comments.
In a following mood? Follow @listropolis for all of the site's lists, plus TONS more, or follow @ekday if you want to see what I'm up to.
Posted on 11 December 2008 by admin
We've all been stuck in situations that we didn't know how to handle best. Hell, they even made a Twix commercial about it.
Here are 8 situations (guys only) with answers whether you should "Shut Up," or "Squeal."
1. A friend is really bad at his job, and it's obvious he'll be fired.
Man Code: SQUEAL. A good friend would tell him, "Dude, I'm hearing things. You'd better talk to the boss." An okay guy deserves a heads-up.
Posted on 09 December 2008 by admin
When you think of musicians, you usually think of the glam, parties, drunken brawls, and all the other fun stuff we hear about, but not all rockers live this impressive life. The 25 musicians are so awesomely whimpy, the had to be in a list.
Beginning with the Cure's first B-side, "10.15 Saturday Night," which finds its narrator sitting home crying, waiting for a girl to call, Smith has made a fetish out of romantic disappointment and pioneered a vocal style in which he sounds on the verge of breaking into heaving sobs at any moment. His tent-like black sweaters, smeared lipstick and messy bird's nest of dark hair have become the uniform of choice for generations of histrionic white kids convinced the world doesn't understand their pain.
Wussiest Moment
"The Lovecats," the Cure's fluffball 1983 hit, which features Smith literally meowing over a tune best suited for preschoolers.
Posted on 21 November 2008 by admin
I really don't have to explain what a Facebook staus update is, do I? Didn't think so. One of my Facebook friends' status today read, "Dropping the kids off at the pool." If you've read this blog for any length of time, you probably know where my mind went, but it made me wonder if there was a place to find funny status updates that people could "borrow," and it turns out, there is. The status updates in this post are all from a site called The Collection of Funny Facebook Status Updates. What follows are what I consider the 20 best status updates from that site...and they welcome you to use them.