Posted on 17 November 2008 by admin
It's hard not to notice everyone "Going Green" these days. What seems like over-hyped marketing tactics, helping the environment isn't all about selling cars and laptops. There are small things we can each do to help out the environment, and they don't take much effort. Below are five easy ways you can help the environment - starting today.

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Related Reading:
The Science Book: Everything You Need to Know About the World and How It Works (National Geographic)
Dark Matter
Science: The Definitive Visual Guide
Posted on 04 September 2008 by admin

Droughts. Hurricanes. Floods. Monsoons. Disappearing coastlines. These are just a few of the weather effects we’re currently experiencing and will see more of in the future, courtesy of global warming. And they aren’t pretty – they lead to destruction, injury and the death of millions of people, not to mention the effects on the earth’s ecosystems. Scientists are noting more weather disturbances than ever, and it’s only going to get worse. Right now, in seven places across the globe, people are already dealing with the frightening effects of global warming, from India to Alaska. It’s a foreboding sign of what may be to come for the entire world as we battle global warming and experience its full effects.
See the List
environment, global warming, geography
Related Reading:
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)
Joomla! For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))