Posted on 13 February 2009 by admin

During the '90s, the world was a very different place than it is now. Sitcoms and teen dramas flourished in a world yet to be corrupted by reality TV. Music videos were still relevant. Mike Myers and Adam Sandler were still funny, and the internet had yet to completely take over our lives.
The '90s also introduced us to a multitude of unforgettable females. It was a decade marked by the rediscovery of the blonde bombshell. Curves were decidedly in fashion (as if they ever weren't), and though beach bodies and hourglass figures abounded, we were also fixated on some less conventional beauties: the slender teen sexpot and the sci-fi seductresses. All in all, it was a great decade in which to be a heterosexual male. AM invites you to take a trip down memory lane with us as we count down the top 10 '90s sex symbols.
Listropolis' Take's a pain in the ass to see all 7. The list is fairly accurate, except for #6. She's not, and never has been, a sex symbol. The list is worth a look, but expect to get confused navigating the site. Check it out, your mileage may vary - Digg fans seem to really like it.
See the List
Related Reading:
Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stuff White People Like: A Definitive Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions
Posted on 12 February 2009 by admin
During the superbowl, my friends and I were talking about someone from a movie that we all thought was smoking hot, but how she's now huge. I was surprised how long the conversation lasted, so I figured I'd try to make a list of other celebrities that have gotten "large." Superficial? Of course. But who cares.

Image credit: child starlets, Starpulse
The darling granddaughter Olivia on The Cosby Show. Raven is now the star of her own show, That's So Raven. She's a beautiful girl, but she's definitely put on a few pounds.
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The Featured Drummer
Joomla! For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Featured Player
Posted on 30 September 2008 by admin

From Movie Moron:
What makes celebrity deaths particularly eerie and poignant is that often their final work only comes to light after they have gone. In the case of movie stars, it’s their last film that’s released months after they are buried/cremated/blasted into space. Cinema provides a form of immortality, and watching these farewell movies really is like seeing a ghost on screen.
Heath Ledger and Bernie Mac were not the first. Here are Movie-Moron’s top ten actors who didn’t live to see their final movie, based on a scale of plain old bad luck.
See the List
celebrities, movies
Related Reading:
Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide: From the Silent Era Through 1965
The New York Times Guide to the Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made, Updated & Revised (Film Critics of the New York Times)
Horror Movie Freak
Posted on 12 May 2008 by admin

From GossipNewz:
Some people overstay their welcome. Like the house guest thats great for the first few days but eventually drinks all the beer and won’t get off your couch, some celebrities just stick around too long.
Whether they become drunks, failures, criminals, perverts or worst of all; George Lucases (Luci?), later actions ruin their legacy. Below are the top 10 celebrities who could have been remembered fondly, if only they left in the year suggested.
See the List
Related Reading:
Joomla! For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)