Tags: cc sabathia, flickr, photos
Posted on 10 December 2008 by admin
If you forgot what I'm doing here, here's a quick reminder. I search Google Trends once a week, and I take the #1 searched term, add it to the Flickr Creative Commons search, and post the top pictures for that phrase. Seemed like a dumb idea when I started, but people seem to love it, so here we go again.
Today's most popular search term is CC sabathia. Here are the pics that came up in Flickr:
1. CC Cy Young

2. Cleveland Indians in Detroit - CC Sabathia

3. cc sabathia

4. cc sabathia 2

5. CC Action

6. Fightin' Phils

7. Sawks

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Posted on 19 November 2008 by admin
So last month, I had this idea of doing a weekly post featuring photos from Flickr using a popular keyword search. The result was Friday Flickr Tag Fun: 9 “Alaska” Photos. The post did better than I expected, but I forgot all about the idea by the next Friday. Tonight, it hit me like a brick, so I'm going to give it another shot. Here's how it works - each week, I'll check Google Trends for the most popular search, and I'll put that/those keywords into Flickr (Creative Commons), and post the results.
Tonight's most popular search term is Brad Pitt Tattoos. Umm....ok. From what I can gather, Brad Pitt was on Oprah today, and was uncomfortably confronted by a fan. If you want to find out more, just do the search. Here are the pics that came up in Flickr:
1. Brad and Shiloh Pitt

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Tags: Alaska, John McCain, Politics, sarah palin
Friday Flickr Tag Fun: 9 “Alaska” Photos
Posted on 29 August 2008 by admin
I've decided we need more recurring posts on the site, so I'm starting a new feature called Friday Flickr Tag Fun, and will find a popular term for the week, do a search in the Flickr Creative Commons pool, and post the top 9 images with the popular tag.
This week's word/tag is Alaska. Why? Well, today we learned that McCain has chosen Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. Turns out, Sarah is from Wallin (?), Alaska. These are the first 9 "Alaska" photos.

Photo by Timothy K. Hamilton

Photo by B Mully

Photo by B Mully
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