Tags: Finance, Money, podcasts
Posted on 04 November 2009 by admin

From Source: Business Pundit
To grow money, you have to know money. And to know money, you need to study it: Its movements, who’s making it (and why), who takes it away, how to keep it, and how to grow your personal stash.
Unless you’re a child prodigy like Warren Buffett, or you have a trust fund
, this stuff doesn’t come on its own. It takes years of learning and experience. And what better way to learn than to throw on a podcast in the car, at the gym, or in another convenient setting?
We compiled this list of audio resources to make you richer. Even a weekly listen will boost your moneymaking IQ. See which of these valuable podcasts suits you best:
Listropolis' Take:
I've been searching for new podcasts lately, and I'll admit, I have seen the podcasts listed here, but have never subscribed to them. I took the time this morning to listen to each of these, and to my surprise, they're all very good. Top notch list!
See the List
Related Reading:
Finance for Managers (Harvard Business Essentials)
The Wall Street MBA: Your Personal Crash Course in Corporate Finance
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions (Wiley Finance)
Tags: Finance, security
Posted on 23 July 2008 by admin

From FreelanceSwitch:
Once you have left the land of COLA raises, paid sick days, and employer-matched 401Ks, not only do you need to be the writer/programmer/web designer for your business, you also need to be your own CFO.
Here are some absolutely necessary components for your business (and life) financial portfolio:
See the List
Related Reading:
Finance for Managers (Harvard Business Essentials)
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions (Wiley Finance)
16 Great Personal Finance Resources & Blogs
Posted on 09 July 2008 by admin

From Lifehack.org:
It’s one of the most common reasons for arguments and divorce in marriages. It can keep us from achieving our dreams, or it can enable us. It can cultivate the worst in people, and it can cultivate the best. Money is one the most fundamental, crude, material parts of our existence, yet we look at it like some kind of metaphysical, unknowable force.
If this describes your relationship with money, it might be time to dedicate some time to improving your knowledge of your finances and set about improving them. You could even make a 30-day trial out of getting a grip on your money. From reducing your debt to automating your tax accounting records, there’s something for every reader.
See the List
Related Reading:
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions (Wiley Finance)
The Wall Street MBA: Your Personal Crash Course in Corporate Finance
Finance (Barron's Business Review Series)
Tags: Finance, podcasts
Twelve Top Personal Finance Podcasts
Posted on 16 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
Occasionally I toy with the idea of creating a Get Rich Slowly podcast. (A podcast is like a short internet-based radio program. Think of it as an “audio blog”.) I think it would be a great way to explore topics in greater depth, and in ways that print just cannot handle. I’m also fascinated with the idea of interviewing regular people about their everyday money concerns.
I’m not ready to make the leap to podcasting just yet, but I have begun listening to other personal finance podcasts from time-to-time. Here are some of the best that I’ve found:
See the List
Related Reading:
Personal Finance For Dummies
High Finance
Finance (Barron's Business Review Series)
Posted on 02 May 2008 by admin

From the Site:
Converting your vehicle to run on veggie oil is a good move economically and environmentally. And here’s what BP and Exxon don’t want you to know: it’s not hard to do.
Wouldn’t it be great to pack-up the car or the SUV for a weekend excursion without fretting over the cost of fuel? Or take that road trip you and your friends keep talking about? All with no concern about pumping all of your hard-earned cash into the gas tank. Heck, it would be great just to drive around town without that concern. Here’s how you can do it.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Wall Street Journal. Complete Personal Finance Guidebook (The Wall Street Journal Guidebooks)
Personal Finance For Dummies
Finance for Managers (Harvard Business Essentials)