From Source: Men's Fitness
Listropolis' Take:
This is something any beer drinker should know. The list is short, sweet, and to the point.
See the List
Related Reading:

Posted on 24 September 2009 by admin
From Source: Men's Fitness
This is something any beer drinker should know. The list is short, sweet, and to the point.
Posted on 11 December 2008 by admin
We've all been stuck in situations that we didn't know how to handle best. Hell, they even made a Twix commercial about it.
Here are 8 situations (guys only) with answers whether you should "Shut Up," or "Squeal."
1. A friend is really bad at his job, and it's obvious he'll be fired.
Man Code: SQUEAL. A good friend would tell him, "Dude, I'm hearing things. You'd better talk to the boss." An okay guy deserves a heads-up.
Posted on 30 September 2008 by admin
From King-Mag:
For dudes who split bills on fast-food dates, KING offers a template for sophistication. Relax and take notes.
Posted on 05 August 2008 by admin
It's pretty clear, us guys get away with a ton of crap. We can sit on a couch, sans t-shirt, drinking a beer, yelling incessantly at a football game, and it's considered "normal." We can usually walk up to a tree, drop trough, and urinate without a second notice. But, there are definitely things we as men should avoid. Here 19 things all men should put on their "To-Don't" list.
#1. Check your BlackBerry in bed.
To a woman, that's like having a threesome with your boss.
#2. Ask for a kiss.
Her eyes will say yes or no, and nothing kills the mood like asking for a translation.
#3. Wear low-rise jeans.
So what if David Beckham flashes his hash in every other men's magazine? It's important to have some sack, not show it. Continue Reading
Posted on 28 July 2008 by admin
From The Art of Manliness:
Last week we did a post on resurrecting the lost art of oratory and we will soon begin a weekly post on writing and delivering a great speech. But before we start that, we wanted to do a special post on the single piece of oratory almost every man will be asked to give at least once: the best man speech.
Indeed, at some point in your life, one of your buddies or your brother will probably ask you to be the best man in his wedding. This is a great honor. One of the duties of a best man is to give a speech wherein you say a few kind words about your friend/brother and his new wife. If you’ve been to many weddings, you know that oftentimes best man speeches can quickly devolve into an awkward, drunken spectacle. The mixture of booze and lack of preparation results in the best man rambling and sharing inappropriate and embarrassing stories about the groom in front of hundreds of family and friends.
If you don’t want to make yourself look like a huge ass and you want to truly be the best man, here are a few pointers to keep in mind as you prepare to give your speech:
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