Posted on 12 January 2010 by admin

From Source: ReadWriteWeb
YouTube has come to define the era of online video, so let's take a look at their most popular videos of all time. We first did this list in August 2007, at which point Evolution of Dance by comedian Judson Laipply was number 1 with nearly 56 million views. The next update was September 2008, when Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend pop music video was number 1 with 103 million page views (although commenters argued it may have gamed the system).
How is Evolution of Dance doing now, given the influx of pop music and movie videos into YouTube? Not to mention all of those goofy comedic routines by teenagers and cutesy baby or animal videos. Let's check out the top YouTube videos of all time, as it stands today...
Listropolis' Take:
Look...there's a reason these videos have such high view counts. They're great! And to be able to see them all on one post makes them all that much better. Sure, you've probably already seen most of them, but check out the list and see if there were any you missed.
See the List
Related Reading:
Motion Picture and Video Lighting, Second Edition
The Featured Drummer
Mexican Everyday (Recipes Featured on Season 4 of the PBS-TV series "Mexico One Plate at a Time")
Tags: adventure, cool, thrill, videos
8 Death-Defying Helmet Cam Videos
Posted on 12 October 2009 by admin

From Source:
For extreme sports athletes, putting on a helmet-cam is usually a death wish. But a tip of the hat goes out to those people who have the cojones to strap a camera to their heads and document their flirtations with death just so the rest of us can live, vicariously, on the edge. The truth is that helmet cam video footage is the closest a lot of us will ever get to base-jumping, attempting a motorcycle wheelie, or getting stuck in an avalanche. So now it's your turn. Strap on a helmet, roll the GoPro, and watch 8 death-defying helmet cam videos.
Listropolis' Take:
What a cool post to start the morning. We're all thrill junkies here, so watching these videos got out blood pumping a bit this morning. I've seen #3 before, and it's still one of my favs.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Entertainment Marketing Revolution: Bringing the Moguls, the Media, and the Magic to the World
The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design
Entertainment Law in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
Posted on 28 September 2009 by admin

From Source: Mashable
Whether or not Twitter has hit a traffic growth ceiling, the 140 character status update platform has already proved it can permeate past its early adopter audience and attract a more mainstream user-base complete with Twittering athletes, celebrities, and government officials.
Along the way, Twitter (Twitter) has also managed to grab a lot of attention as the easy scapegoat in parody videos. We’ve seen comedic geniuses, late-night talk show hosts, and many video production companies all try to best each other in a battle for the funniest Twitter spoof or satire. Not all are created equal, but the 10 we’ve included here are some of the sure-fire standouts.
Twitter may be the butt of everyone’s joke, but after the news of a $1 billion valuation, we have a sneaking suspicion that Twitter will eventually have the last laugh.
Listropolis' Take:
Any list with Twouble With Twitters in it is a great list. If you're a Twitter fan, you'll really appreciate the humor in these vids.
See the List
Related Reading:
Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Premium Video Edition (Shelly Cashman)
The Twitter Book
All a Twitter: A Personal and Professional Guide to Social Networking with Twitter
Tags: geek, Movies, SXSW
6 Geekiest South By Southwest Films
Posted on 03 March 2009 by admin

From Popular Mechanics:
There's one time of year when it is impossible to get a hotel room in Austin, Texas: South By Southwest, the gargantuan showcase for emerging technology, music, and film. While the festival's music hogs most of the headlines, its film festival (which runs this year March 13–21) has quickly carved out a place for itself as one of the premiere places in the U.S. to debut a new film. This year's Sundance Film Festival took a noticeable turn towards the sci-fi, while the lion's share of SXSW's science and technology-related movies this year are documentaries. Here are the six films at this year's festival that are most likely to pique the interest of sci-tech geeks.
Listropolis' Take
I've never been to SXSW, but I'd love to go. After reading about these movies, I'm pretty sure I'd avoid everyone of them...but the post is interesting.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Video Poker Edge: How to Play Smart and Bet Right
Making Movies
Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Premium Video Edition (Shelly Cashman)
Tags: banned, commercials, superbowl
Posted on 01 February 2009 by admin

Today is the day we all gather around the TV to watch commercials....I mean the Superbowl. This year's match-up, Pittsburgh Steelers vs Arizona Cardinals, sure leaves sports fans wanting more, so hopefully the uber-hyped superbowl commercials will make up for the snoozer of a game.
With Superbowl commercials costing roughly $3M for a 30-second spot, most companies compete for the most original, most memorable, most outrageous, or the sexiest commercial of the game. Sometimes this quest to be the best gets a commercial banned for going overboard. Here are the 14 best Banned Superbowl commercials of all time.
Bud - Skinny Dipping
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Related Reading:
The Entertainment Marketing Revolution: Bringing the Moguls, the Media, and the Magic to the World
Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician & Technician
Dumdum (Featured story in the anthology "New Stories from the South: the year's best of 2005")
Tags: christmas, christmas lights, holidays, light shows, videos
Posted on 17 December 2008 by admin
The "Jaw-Dropping" in the title might seem a bit dramatic, but it's not. Following are 18 of the most amazing Christmas light shows I've ever seen. If you're a fan of driving around looking at Christmas lights, you'll want to grab a cup of cocoa, and throw on a blanket while you watch - although a few of them (I'm talking to you techno houses) might make you sick. These displays put my Charlie Brown-esque tree and one strand of lights to shame.
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1. Christmas Light Show - Amazing Grace Techno
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The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy
Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Premium Video Edition (Shelly Cashman)
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