Via: Online MBA
Related Reading:

Posted on 08 July 2010 by admin
Via: Online MBA
Posted on 17 December 2009 by admin
From Source: Banned in Hollywood
Back by popular demand, we bring you the latest installment of our Top 10 Signs You Drank Too Much series.
Most of you have probably found yourself in similar situations as the following 10 drunks — and that doesn’t necessarily mean that you mistook yourself for a bicycle, but I think it’s safe to assume that we’ve all done the toilet hug at some point in life.
Click here for part one, for part two, and for part three of the Top 10 Signs You Drank Too Much series.
OMG! This whole series is hysterical. It's pictures, so it's obviously an easy read. Click through and check this post out. Sadly, I could have easily been in a few of these shots.
Posted on 07 October 2009 by admin
From Source:
Ah, politicians. Idealistic men and women who want to make the world a better place, or corrupt men and women who are self-serving and egomaniacal. Whatever your view on politics, there is one aspect of the lives of politicians that takes up more column inches than even the worst of political gaffes. Even as America tears itself to pieces over the health-care debate, while the UK parliament reels from the MP expenses scandal, you can be sure that a good old-fashioned sex scandal would overshadow all these issues.
Newspapers gleefully expose every detail of a sordid affair slowly, gleefully smearing as many reputations into ruin as possible. Political sex scandals are about much more than just people getting caught with their pants down. To many, they suggest that these people cannot be trusted. If they lie about having an affair, if they break marriage vows, then how can they be trusted on other issues? In some cases, these scandals are so damaging, they can destroy careers, or even bring down governments. Here are 10 of the most shocking and salacious political sex scandals in history.
How could you NOT love this post?
Posted on 18 February 2009 by admin
Getting laid can be a costly exercise. Women these days like to be wined and dined and made a fuss of before they let you get even close to scoring a home run. This doesn’t need to be the case. With economic gloom all around and a shrinking wallet, you can get laid on the cheap. By lowering your standards, checking some morals at the door, and being creative, you can get laid for under $10.
I read this twenty minutes ago, and I'm still laughing. I'm sure this post has pissed a few people off, but damn it's funny, and worth a read. The bottom line is, be a jerk, and lower your expectations.
Posted on 15 February 2009 by admin
I was going through some old bookmarks today, and came across Improv Everywhere. I had forgotten who they were, and why I bookmarked them, but seconds later I was watching everyone in Grand Central Station freeze instantaneously, and remembered that I had watched that video nearly twenty times.
I started digging through other posts on the site and realized they've done much more than just make time stand still. It inspired me to see what other flash mob videos I could find, and the results were amazing. This Flash Mob thing is really catching on, and I found myself drawn to everyone of them, watching from the first second to the last. Here are the 24 videos you need to see.
Posted on 11 December 2008 by admin
We've all been stuck in situations that we didn't know how to handle best. Hell, they even made a Twix commercial about it.
Here are 8 situations (guys only) with answers whether you should "Shut Up," or "Squeal."
1. A friend is really bad at his job, and it's obvious he'll be fired.
Man Code: SQUEAL. A good friend would tell him, "Dude, I'm hearing things. You'd better talk to the boss." An okay guy deserves a heads-up.
Posted on 14 November 2008 by admin
From Cracked:
There are two kinds of people in this world. Some people will look at a construction crane and think "Oh, look, it's a construction crane." Others will look at that same crane and think, "Oh, hey, I've gotta go have sex on that construction crane, right this second." This article's about that second group.
See the list of 10 Worst Places to Get Caught Having Sex
Posted on 11 October 2008 by admin
For those of you that do not know about American Dad! It is a satirical American animated series produced by Underdog Productions and Fuzzy Door Productions for 20th Century Fox Television and created by Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, as well as two former Family Guy writers, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman. The pilot episode aired in the United States on Fox on February 6, 2005, thirty minutes after the end of Super Bowl XXXIX. American Dad follows the events of CIA agent Stan Smith and his family.
1. Optimist Drowns in Half-Full Tub – Season 1 - "Stan Knows Best"
2. Hooker Killed For Heart of Gold – Season 1 - "Francine's Flashback"
3. Economy Turns Corner, Falls Down Stairs – Season 1 - "Roger Codger"
4. Israel Pulls Out of Gaza, Gaza Not Pregnant – Season 1 - "A Smith In The Hand"
5. Clever Bumper Sticker Ends Abortion Debate – Season 1 - "Not Particularly Desperate Housewife"
6. Britney Spears' Baby To Enter Pre-Hab – Season 1 - "Rough Trade"
7. Jewish Gynecologist develops Pap Schmear – Season 2 - "The American Dad After School Special"
8. Despondent Pluto drowns two of its moons – Season 2 - "Failure is not a Factory-Installed Option"
9. Trans Fats Banned In NYC, Fat Trannies Still OK – Season 2 - "Irregarding Steve"
10. Childhood obesity up, pedophilia down – Season 2 - "Four Little Words
Posted on 26 August 2008 by admin
Other funny programming quotes and thoughts
Funny programming Tshirts
Posted on 20 August 2008 by admin
From Uncoached:
Seinfeld as you guys probably know by now, was/is my favorite show on television. And in addition to the many quirks and observations the show has been responsible for, I also think that it’s responsible for being the catalyst to many acting careers.
Some of these actually surprised me, but there are 12 actors that stand out whose careers really seemed to blossom after appearing on the show. For the record, before we even start, I’m knocking off Brad Garrett, Teri Hatcher, Kristen Davis, and Marcia Cross. Garrett was big in the 80’s with stand up. Hatcher had already been in Tango and Cash, and Davis and Cross were already on Melrose place.
These actors? You’d be hard pressed to know who they were before making their presence known on Seinfeld