Posted on 20 January 2010 by admin

From Source: Topless Robot
In real life, guns are cool if you're a private detective or a sporting marksmen. But most of the time kids are always shooting themselves or trying to hold up liquor stores or something, and that sucks. In the movies, however, guns are awesome. In science fiction movies, they're even more awesome and make for some amazing prop replicas. Anything goes in the realm of sci-fi firearms and many pieces completely ignore the laws that govern actual projectile-firing weapons. Early examples of the fictional guns are the heat-ray featured in H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds (1898) and several weapons from A.E. von Vogt's short The Weapon Shop (1942), which featured "express rifles" made of "viridescent magnesitic beryllium." Now in 2010, the futuristic weapons we see on screen are probably above and beyond what Wells imagined and as CGI advances, so does the destruction. So wave your rayguns in the air as we look at the cream of the fictional firearms cache.
Listropolis' Take:
Not so into guns, but damn these are cool.
See the List
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Posted on 18 January 2010 by admin

From Source: Smashing Apps
Basically high speed photography is a technique of capturing images with a remarkably quick shutter speed and mostly used for the scenes which cannot be seen with naked eyes. For high speed photography, you can use more or less any SLR camera, but an expensive camera can reach a much faster shutter speed and high speed photography is the game of shutter speed. Today, we will show you 40 Stunning Examples of High Speed Photography. In this post, you’ll find some very impressive photographs that will show you how high speed photography can freeze time setting you aside to view scenes that we would normally struggle to capture. We are sure these photographs worth a look and you’ll all like them. Feel free to share your comments.
Listropolis' Take:
We're photographers, so we obviously LOVE this post. High Speed Photography is incredibly difficult to shoot, but the examples shown on the site are some of the best we've ever seen. Follow the link to see all the photos - you'll be glad you did.
See the List
Related Reading:
Featured Player
Digital Landscape Photography: In the Footsteps of Ansel Adams and the Masters
History and Practice of the Art of Photography
Posted on 12 January 2010 by admin

From Source: ReadWriteWeb
YouTube has come to define the era of online video, so let's take a look at their most popular videos of all time. We first did this list in August 2007, at which point Evolution of Dance by comedian Judson Laipply was number 1 with nearly 56 million views. The next update was September 2008, when Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend pop music video was number 1 with 103 million page views (although commenters argued it may have gamed the system).
How is Evolution of Dance doing now, given the influx of pop music and movie videos into YouTube? Not to mention all of those goofy comedic routines by teenagers and cutesy baby or animal videos. Let's check out the top YouTube videos of all time, as it stands today...
Listropolis' Take:
Look...there's a reason these videos have such high view counts. They're great! And to be able to see them all on one post makes them all that much better. Sure, you've probably already seen most of them, but check out the list and see if there were any you missed.
See the List
Related Reading:
The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokemon--The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Leadership (Very Short, Fairly Interesting & Cheap Books)
Motion Picture and Video Lighting, Second Edition
Tags: adobe, illustrator, tutorials
Posted on 04 January 2010 by admin

From Source: SpoonGraphics
Learning a new software application can be a daunting task, especially when tackling an application that’s as deep as Adobe Illustrator! Thankfully there’s a colection of Illustrator veterans who are generous enough to take the time to document the basics, allowing new users to grasp the initial workings and gain a know-how of the tools and core techniques. This collection of hand-picked tutorials cover various tools, and provide plenty of useful hints and tips. Together they form a super handy resource for any beginner looking to get their brains wrapped around Adobe Illustrator.
Listropolis' Take:
We love Illustrator. If you're new to the program, these tutorials are must view, and should give you enough basics to get you on your way to your first project. Great list!
See the List
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Word of Mouth: Poems Featured on NPR's All Things Considered
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