Posted on 17 December 2009 by admin

From Source: Banned in Hollywood
Back by popular demand, we bring you the latest installment of our Top 10 Signs You Drank Too Much series.
Most of you have probably found yourself in similar situations as the following 10 drunks — and that doesn’t necessarily mean that you mistook yourself for a bicycle, but I think it’s safe to assume that we’ve all done the toilet hug at some point in life.
Click here for part one, for part two, and for part three of the Top 10 Signs You Drank Too Much series.
Listropolis' Take:
OMG! This whole series is hysterical. It's pictures, so it's obviously an easy read. Click through and check this post out. Sadly, I could have easily been in a few of these shots.
See the List
Related Reading:
SideSplitters Fantastically Funny Stories
Phillips' Book of Great Thoughts & Funny Sayings: A Stupendous Collection of Quotes, Quips, Epigrams, Witticisms, and Humorous Comments. For Personal Enjoyment and Ready Reference.
Recipe for a Book Club: A Monthly Guide for Hosting Your Own Reading Group: Menus & Recipes, Featured Authors, Suggested Readings, and Topical Questions
Posted on 15 December 2009 by admin

From Source: TV Tango
It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas, so it's time for the TV networks to air their heart-warming holiday made-for-TV movies. You know the type, an orphan joins a swell family for the Yuletide season and sooner than you can say "chestnuts roasting on a open fire" the kid is adopted and gets a mangy mutt from the pound. Or some mysterious visitor appears and miraculously the dilapidated family farm is saved from a greedy mini-mall developer. But the most time-honored holiday theme is that of embittered family members who eventually put aside their long held hate-athons just in time for Christmas Eve. So behold this list of the top 10 TV Movies with estranged relatives who find the true meaning of Christmas. HO HO HO!
Listropolis' Take:
We don't really have a take on this's just an interesting list.
See the List
Related Reading:
An Introduction to the Entertainment Industry
The Arabian Nights Entertainments
Posted on 09 December 2009 by admin

From Source: Total Film
Sticking to the five main terrestrial channels in the interests of inclusivity, we've annoyed everyone by scrawling all over the Christmas telly guides, deciding which movies we'll be wheezing off the stuffing to this festive season. Pass the brandy, old chap...
Listropolis' Take:
A surprisingly good list of movies to watch this holiday season.
See the List
Related Reading:
Featured Reviews in Mathematical Reviews Set 1995-1999
The Featured Drummer (Music Sales America)
Pale & Interesting: Decorating With Whites, Pastels and Nuetrals for a Warm and Welcoming Home
Posted on 01 December 2009 by admin

From Source:
There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to social media. People seem to think that every day standards and decency get tossed out the window because of the anonymity of the Internet. Unfortunately for those people, that’s not always the case. First off, the Internet is getting smaller, and by that, I mean that it’s getting easier to find out who people are. You know how the saying goes “It’s a small world.” That reigns true for the Internet, especially social media sites, as well. Everyone is connected one way or another. There’s a whole “Six Degrees of Separation” thing going on.
There are Ten Commandments of Social Media that you should always try to follow. They will not only make you a better person but they will make your followers that much more appreciative of what you have to say.
Listropolis' Take:
If you consider yourself a social media guru, expert, king/queen, or any other superlative, this list should be required reading. Amazingly simple tips that should be common sense, but are missed by far too many "experts." Bookmark this post immediately!
See the List
Related Reading:
Mexican Everyday (Recipes Featured on Season 4 of the PBS-TV series "Mexico One Plate at a Time")
The Featured Drummer (Music Sales America)
Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in Your Organization (Que Biz-Tech)