I was going through some old bookmarks today, and came across Improv Everywhere. I had forgotten who they were, and why I bookmarked them, but seconds later I was watching everyone in Grand Central Station freeze instantaneously, and remembered that I had watched that video nearly twenty times.
I started digging through other posts on the site and realized they've done much more than just make time stand still. It inspired me to see what other flash mob videos I could find, and the results were amazing. This Flash Mob thing is really catching on, and I found myself drawn to everyone of them, watching from the first second to the last. Here are the 24 videos you need to see.
Best Buy from ImprovEverywhere on Vimeo.
Slo-Mo Home Depot from ImprovEverywhere on Vimeo.
As you can see, many of these videos were done by Improv Everywhere. Make sure you take a minute to visit their site and pay your respect! These guys are awesome! You'll find a ton of other videos on their site, plus you can contact these guys to setup your own flash mob.
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