We've all been stuck in situations that we didn't know how to handle best. Hell, they even made a Twix commercial about it.
Here are 8 situations (guys only) with answers whether you should "Shut Up," or "Squeal."
1. A friend is really bad at his job, and it's obvious he'll be fired.
Man Code: SQUEAL. A good friend would tell him, "Dude, I'm hearing things. You'd better talk to the boss." An okay guy deserves a heads-up.
2. When drinking, your buddy turns into a jerk.
Man Code: SHUT UP, at first. The next time he hits his limit, leave. He'll give you crap after he sobers up, and you can give him crap right back.
3. You're undercharged $100 for something.
Man Code: SQUEAL. Come on, you're just asking to be hit by a karma delivery truck.
4. Your buddy is financially irresponsible, in debt, and not saving for retirement.
Man Code: SHUT UP. No man should ever speak to another about how he spends his money. If your bud asks to borrow 10 grand, however, the gloves come off.
5. A coworker's padding his expenses.
Man Code: SHUT UP. He's a sleaze, sure. But it's his sleazy business, and if you turn in clean receipts, some bean counter will eventually compare and catch on. Smile then.
6. In a beer-fueled act of lunacy, you kiss your best friend's girl.
Man Code: SHUT UP. Except to apologize to her and pray it's never discussed again.
7. You hook up two friends. She's into it, but he's cheating on her.
Man Code: SQUEAL, to him. "She's my friend, just like you are," you should say. "If you can't do right by her, cut her loose."
8. The guy at the body shop offers to up his estimate for the insurance company and says you can split the difference.
Man Code: SQUEAL. Say, "No, thanks. Let's play it straight up." The karma delivery truck hits newly repaired cars, too.
Know any other man codes that belong on this list? Share them in the comments section!
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