From Photoshelter via James at QuizQuizBangBang:
I was be-bopping on the subway yesterday to Depeche Mode's photographic, and it was like a lightbulb went off! Or a flashbulb; there are so many great songs with photography as a theme. I spent last night running the batteries down on my ipod just to bring these songs to you this morning. I'm not sure I would say this is a definitive list-- clearly you're going to need to tell me which ones I'm missing (hint: The Kinks).
Also, some are more literal than others. You may be forced to use your imagination at points.
In any case, here are my ten, in order of no real importance, except that Wilco is my favorite, and this youtube video is actually from a Polaroid commercial that was never aired. So it's interesting x 2.
#1 Wilco, Kamera
See the Rest of the List
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