I'll just come out and say it - I'm not too happy with my decision to upgrade my iPhone to 2.0. I was having a great time living with my jailbroken 1.1.4, but my desire to be an early adopter forced me into upgrading, and now I'm stuck with it - although spending some time at TUAW today made me feel a little better.
Now don't get me wrong, having the choice between 20 different tip calcs is great, and an app designed to see how long I can press a button will surely help me forget how great (and stable) 1.1.4 was. But I've been thinking a lot about what I'd like to see on my iPhone, and here's my list - complete with bad 'shopped jobs.
#1 Loco Roco
So stupid, yet Loco Roco was my favorite PSP game. It's a relaxing game that would involve tilting the iPhone to the left and right to move your blob through the stage, and occasionally jilt the iPhone for a jump. I haven't seen this on anyone's radar, but it seems like a perfect port.
#2 - iZelda
Like this will ever happen. But, the Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass for the DS used the styles for everything, and being able to boot the styles for my finger would be heaven.
#3 - iWarioWare
There are a ton of Wii games that would port nicely to the iPhone, but WarioWare seems like it would be the most fun. With the accelerometers, you could use your iPhone in a few dozen ways to complete the minigames. I'm thinking an iStrap might be needed for this one.
#4 - Frenzic
I know I'm not the first to wish for this. Frenzic is just so damn fun, and would be a perfect fit. This one might actually make an appearance.
#5 - iLine Rider
I suck at Line Rider, but I always enjoy trying to make the guy do a loop. I see us being able to draw lines with one finger, and move the canvas with two fingers. Add in some accelerometer zaniness, and this could be a hit.
#6 - Mattel Football
Shut up! This is a great game, and I don't care what you say about it. It's so simple. I've wasted way too many hours playing the original, and would love to have it again.
#7 - TomTom
I have not bought a 3G iPhone, but if TomTom was released tomorrow, I'd be rushing to the Apple store. I have a TomTom, but I never update it, so my maps are ancient. Plus, it's huge. I've seen hints that TomTom is coming, so I'm very anxious to see it come to fruition.
#8 - iSlingBox
The ONLY reason I miss my old WinMo phone, being able to watch live TV on my cell through SlingBox is something that needs to be experienced by everyone. I took a road trip once, and was able to watch a football game that I would have otherwise missed. With 3G speeds, SlingBox should be a natural fit to the iPhone.
#9 - iSkype
Duh. This is probably one of the most requested apps, so I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said.
#10 - iChat
WTF Apple? Where is iChat? I'm hoping that we get this in September when Push is initiated, but I'm starting to lose hope. AIM is fine, but I need more. I'd also settle for iAdium.
#11 - Alert Thingy (or any Native FriendFeed app)
I'm hooked on FriendFeed, and although their web app is fast, and beautiful, I'd still like a native version - especially with Push functionality. I'd also like to see the links from FF to open in a window in the app instead of opening Safari.
#12 - Google Reader
There is an app in installer.app called Feeds (screenshot above) and it's the PERFECT gReader app. You can read your feeds offline, and all of the functionality of gReader is built into the app. I'm really looking forward to having this one back. By far my favorite app so far.
#13 - iSirius
Another app that's in installer.app is uSirius. It allows you to stream Sirius Satellite Radio, and it's amazing. Even over edge, the sound was great, and had quick buffer times. I hope this makes it into the app store, but there's no word on the uSirius website about it.
So what's on your list? Tell me the app you'd like to see in the App Store in the comments.
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