Zero tolerance: It's the only way to break a bad habit. So don't indulge - scratch that itch mentally. Here's how.
#1 - Wear a Rubber Band
When you feel a craving coming on, snap your wrist three times quickly. Scientists and torturers call this negative reinforcement: Craving equals pain. It's akin to smacking yourself on the nose with a newspaper.
#2 - Pour Yourself a Glass of Cure
When it comes to nervous habits, water is your secret weapon. When you feel a craving coming on, chug at least 10 ounces. It's amazing how well this works.
#3 - Switch Sides of the Bed
If you're a consistent habit former, you should overhaul your routines - what time you wake up, what you eat for breakfast, what route you take to work, and so on - every 3 months.
Source: Men's Health magazine, May 2008
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