We don't get many cold days in Florida, but a few months ago, it was about as cold as it gets (34ºf). I was outside in the cold for about 3 hours, and had my iPhone in its case. When I walked into my warm house, I heard a strange "pop" sound, but couldn't figure out what it was. About 10 minutes later, I pulled my iPhone out to put it in its cradle for the night, and it looked like it had spider webs all over it. I tried to brush them off, and ended up cutting myself on my newly shattered screen. You can only truly know the pain of losing the screen on your iPhone if it has happened to you. I took it to the Apple store the next day, and after much arguing about it being impossible for the temperature change to crack my screen, I was handed a brand new iPhone (1.1.3 granted, and before the dev team had an answer for it).
SIDE NOTE - When they handed me the new iPhone, they told me my old one was actually a limited edition. Check your iPhone - if you have a little bell on the ringer switch, you have a limited edition. Who knew.
Back to the post. I decided to see if other people were experiencing this, and it was only then I realized how truly depressing a cracked iPhone screen could be. Please take a moment to reflect on these great iPhones before they came to their present state (over-dramatic, I know).
Is your iPhone cracked? Add a link to the pic in the comments.
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